Obtain the views of the reporting official as to the reason for the non-reporting.
If necessary, make a determination regarding reporting and engage in development of
the entity’s status per the wage development policy in RS 01404.003.
If the claimant's earnings record shows reporting for the relevant period but you
cannot find the employer in the State's Section 218 Agreement, Modifications, or summaries,
further development is necessary.
If the State’s Section 218 Agreement, Modifications, or summaries do not list the
alleged employer, it does not mean that the entity has not been included under the
State’s Agreement.
EXAMPLE: An entity not separately listed may be a part of a retirement system coverage group,
or the employer may be an integral part of a political subdivision and included under
the name of the parent subdivision.
When payments are unique for State and local employment, use the following policies
and procedures to evaluate the wages: