TN 10 (10-00)

RM 01301.016 Processing Requests for Social Security Statements

The information in this section is not applicable while mailing of the Social Security Statement is suspended. See information on accessing earnings information using the MySocialSecurity web portal in OA 00205.010.

A. Procedure — general

Use the following procedures to process requests for Social Security Statement.

When SSN holders call, visit or write to your office to request a Social Security Statements:

  • Make sure that the requesters meet all access and disclosure requirements in GN 03305.000 and GN 03340.000.

  • Advise requesters that they can complete and mail in a paper Form SSA-7004-SM-OP1 or they can use the SSA-7004 format on SSA's Internet web site to submit the request electronically. By either method, they will receive a paper SSA-7005-SM, Social Security Statement, by mail in return.

  • Tell requesters that it is mandatory to complete items 1 through 5, and item 9 of whichever version of the Form SSA-7004 that they submit. We will use that information to verify the record they are requesting and to mail the resulting Statement. Requesters submitting a paper SSA-7004-SM-OP1 must also sign and date the form in the signature block.

  • Tell requesters to complete items 6 through 8 on the form, showing current and future earnings information and age at which they plan to stop working. We need this information to provide realistic benefit estimates, but these items are not mandatory. If requesters do not complete these three items, we will use $0 for items 6 and 8 and age 62 for item 7 when we calculate their credits and benefit estimates for the Statement.

B. Procedure — submitting the request forms

Handle requests received in FOs as follows:



  • the requester walks in

Explain the purpose of the request form.

If requested or if necessary, help the SSN holder complete the form.

Forward the form to WBDOC for the requester if it is completed in the FO.

Tell requesters who prefer to fill out the forms at home to mail the completed request to WBDOC in the envelope provided.

  • the requester telephones or mails in a request

Send the requester a Form SSA-7004-SM-OP1.

  • you receive a completed form

Forward the form to the WBDOC without acknowledgement.

  • you receive an incomplete, illegible or damaged form

If the problem cannot be clarified by telephone, return the form to the requester. Enclose a blank Form SSA-7004-SM-OP2 (business reply version) in the same language as the first form. Explain why the first form cannot be processed. Tell the requester to complete the blank form and mail it to WBDOC in the envelope provided.

See RM 01310.030 regarding use of the PEBES ONLINE query process in responding to inquiries.

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RM 01301.016 - Processing Requests for Social Security Statements - 02/10/2012
Batch run: 03/07/2025