TN 5 (02-13)

RM 01310.040 Updating Information on the Social Security Statement

The information in this section is not applicable while mailing of the Social Security Statement is suspended. See information on accessing earnings information using the MySocialSecurity web portal in OA 00205.010.

A. Introduction to updating information on the Social Security Statement

The Social Security Statement estimates a worker's retirement, disability, and other benefits administered by the Social Security Administration, lists lifetime earnings in Social Security records, estimates Social Security and Medicare taxes paid, and gives general information about Social Security and retirement.

We encourage workers to notify us when we need to update or correct information on the Statement.

We update Social Security records such as earnings, the name, and date of birth if that information changed or was not reported correctly to Social Security.

We correct establishment errors such as errors that occurred when we converted paper and microfiche documents to electronic records; or when we incorrectly recorded data such as name, date of birth, or Social Security number.

B. How to correct earnings shown on the Social Security Statement

We need correctly reported and recorded earnings to determine eligibility for many benefits and to pay the correct amount of benefits. For general information about correcting earnings, refer to RM 03800.000.

1. If lag earnings are not yet posted

Lag earnings are unposted earnings in the lag period. The lag period is the current year and the preceding year. For more information about lag earnings and the lag period, refer to RS 01404.005.

If we haven’t yet posted lag earnings, consider if the missing earnings are still in the lag period, and explain that we may post the earnings later. You do not have to make a correction unless there is a reason that we may not post the remaining earnings; for example, if the employer did not withhold Social Security tax.

2. If there was more than one employer

If there was more than one employer during the time period when earnings are missing, determine if we posted earnings from all employers. For more information about development of unposted earnings, refer to RM 03870.015.

C. How to correct a name or date of birth shown on the Social Security Statement

We may require an application for a replacement Social Security card and supporting evidence to correct a name or date of birth. For more information about name changes, refer to RM 10212.000. For more information about date of birth changes, refer to RM 10210.295.

D. How to correct establishment errors on Social Security records

Establishment errors occur when we record identifying information on a Social Security record incorrectly.

Examples of establishment errors:

  • paper documents did not convert accurately to electronic records,

  • data was misspelled or keyed incorrectly,

  • a death record was incorrect, or

  • the wrong Social Security number was used or issued.

For more information about establishment errors, refer to RM 00702.000. For more information about correcting a name and other keying errors, refer to RM 10215.050 and RM 10215.051.

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RM 01310.040 - Updating Information on the Social Security Statement - 02/12/2013
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