Basic (03-25)

GN 01764.010 How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Federal Benefits Unit in Oslo, Norway under the U.S. – Iceland Totalization Agreement

A. Process for applications filed in the Oslo, Norway Federal Benefits Unit

The Oslo, Norway Federal Benefits Unit (FBU) takes claims from persons residing in Iceland who wish to file for U.S. Social Security benefits.

In processing claims for U.S. benefits under the U.S. - Icelandic Totalization Agreement the FBU should follow the same general procedures as Social Security Administration (SSA) field offices when processing domestic claims.

B. Procedure for development and routing of U.S. claims for U.S. benefits filed at the FBU in Oslo, Norway

The following development and routing instructions apply to claims U.S. benefits under the U.S. - Icelandic Totalization Agreement filed at the FBU in Oslo, Norway.

1. Retirement and Disability Claims - worker not insured based solely on U.S. coverage

  • contacts the applicant to obtain Form SSA-2490BK (Application for Benefits under a U.S. International Social Security Agreement) and any appropriate U.S. applications.

  • forwards a liaison Form SSA-e2960 USA/IS3 and Parts I and II of Form SSA-2490 to the Liaison Agency in Iceland to request a coverage record; and

  • completes the appropriate MCS application screens, the TOTALIZATION (TOTL) Screen (see MSOM MCS 009.011), and the SSA 2490 screens (MSOM MCS 007.001).


2. Survivor claims under the Agreement - worker not insured based solely on U.S. coverage

For survivor claims, complete the appropriate MCS application screens, the Totalization (TOTL) screen (see MSOM MCS 009.011) and Part 1 of the paper or electronic (eform) application Form SSA-2490-BK.

3. Worker appears not to be insured based on U.S. coverage alone - requesting Iceland coverage record

Forward a liaison form SSA-e2960 USA-IS3 to the Iceland Liaison Agency to request the Iceland certified coverage record if it appears that the worker is not insured based on U.S. coverage alone.

4. Send claim to the Division of International Operations (DIO) for processing

Forward completed claims to DIO with a copy of the completed liaison form sent to the Iceland Liaison Agency attached.

C. Iceland Claim

Refer all inquiries for Icelandic benefits received in the FBU in Oslo, Norway to the Icelandic Liaison Agency SIA.

If an applicant contacts the Oslo, Norway FBU to file for Icelandic benefits, the FBU will send the Iceland Liaison Agency SIA the following:

• Form SSA-e2960 USA-IS3 (U.S-Iceland Agreement on Social Security Transmittal/Request/Certification) to certify the filing date for Icelandic benefits;

• U.S. coverage record;

• Supporting evidence for non-disability claims; and,

  • Available medical evidence if the claim is for disability benefits.

D. References

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GN 01764.010 - How to Develop and Process Applications Filed in the Federal Benefits Unit in Oslo, Norway under the U.S. – Iceland Totalization Agreement - 03/12/2025
Batch run: 03/12/2025