TN 18 (03-25)

GN 03305.015 Matching the Request with the Proper Record

A. Processing instructions

The servicing FO having access to the requested information should process the request. Third party requesters with consent must direct their requests to the FO that services the mailing zip code of the individual who is the subject of the request (see GN 03305.020). If the information is not available electronically, the servicing FO will locate the information using these instructions:

  • For claim files located in the National Records Center (NRC, commonly referred to as the “Caves”) or other storage facilities, the servicing FO should request the file using the Payment Center Action Control System and process the request.

  • If an electronic or paper claim file does not exist, or an office does not have access to the requested information, send the request to the custodian of the record.

  • If unable to determine the custodian of the requested information, send the request and consent document to the systems manager listed in the Privacy Act System of Records Notices for the specific record requested.

For information about routing requests for tax return information, see the instructions in GN 03320.001C.

For information about consent documents authorizing the disclosure of both tax and non-tax return information, see the instructions in GN 03305.003E.1.

B. Records in multiple locations

The requested information may reside in multiple locations. For example, part of the requested information may be in a claim file located in the Office of Disability Operations while the other part of the requested information may be in a hearing file located in the Office of Disability Adjudication. In this instance, the processing office should send a copy of the consent document to each location.

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