TN 32 (12-24)

GN 03930.065 Title II - Mode of Payment of Authorized Fees from Past-Due Benefits

A. Process

The benefit authorizer (BA) completes the Single Payment System (SPS) Attorney Fee Payment Screen (APAY) to make direct payment of a fee to a representative or entity if there is a valid assignment (GN 03920.021) when they are eligible for direct payment. For additional information about eligibility for direct payment, refer to GN 03920.016B. The APAY screen displays all necessary information to make a payment and to calculate the assessed user fee. The system propagates most of the information from the Modernized Claims System (MCS), the Registration, Appointment, and Services for Representatives (RASR), or Manual Adjustment Credit and Award Processes (MADCAP) to the APAY.

The Payment History Update System (PHUS) shows the fee payment data. The assessment or "user fee" is only present in SPS and is reflected on the PHUS. Manual adjustments cannot be made in the Manual Adjustment Credit and Award Data Entry (MACADE) system.

For more information about making a direct payment to an entity if there is a valid assignment, see GN 03920.021.

B. References

  • GN 03920.019 Assessment on representatives eligible for direct payment, or “user fee,”

  • MS 05701.006 Attorney Fee Payment.

  • SM 00834.410 SPS Processing of the Attorney Fee Payment (APAY) Screen

  • SM 00630.276 PHUS Event 076 Atty User Fee

  • GN 02610.000 Title II/Title XVI (Windfall) Offset

  • SI 02006.000 Windfall Offset and Effect on Title XVI Payments


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GN 03930.065 - Title II - Mode of Payment of Authorized Fees from Past-Due Benefits - 12/09/2024
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