Section |
Latest Transmittal |
DI 11010.005 |
Receipting Claims |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.010 |
Modernized Claim System (MCS) and Earnings Computation (EC) |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.015 |
Earnings Computation (EC) Earnings Record (E/R) Requests |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.020 |
Case Control Input - Disability Cases Forwarded to Disability Determination Services
(DDS), Disability Processing Branch (DPB) or Disability Processing Unit (DPU) Procedure
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.025 |
Guidelines for Deferral of Non-Medical Development |
TN 50 02-11 |
DI 11010.030 |
Field Office (FO) Operating Instructions for Deferred Title II Initial Claims |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.035 |
Avoiding Unnecessary Development in Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) Claims |
TN 57 07-16 |
DI 11010.040 |
Field Office (FO) Development and Evaluation of Apparent Technical Denials |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.045 |
Claimant Cannot Be Contacted or Whereabouts Unknown or Claimant Does Not Wish to Pursue
Title II Claim
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.050 |
Resolving Earnings Discrepancies in Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) Claims |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.055 |
Proof of Age (POA) and Citizenship for Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) Claims |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.060 |
Established Date of Birth (DOB) Indicates Potential Retirement Survivor Insurance
(RSI) Eligibility Process
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.075 |
Initial Title II Technical Denials and Claims Not Requiring a Disability Determination |
TN 71 07-21 |
DI 11010.085 |
Multiple Type Title II Claims |
TN 76 10-22 |
DI 11010.090 |
Multiple Claims – Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Claim Involved |
TN 77 11-22 |
DI 11010.095 |
Claimant Dies Before Field Office (FO) Transmits Title II Claim(s) |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.115 |
Non-Medical Completion |
TN 81 02-25 |
DI 11010.120 |
Partial Award Determination |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.125 |
Developing Cause of Death - Claimant Dies within 1 Year of Denial |
TN 73 07-22 |
DI 11010.140 |
Field Office (FO) and Disability Determination Services (DDS) Responsibilities in
Work Development
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.145 |
Unsuccessful Work Attempt (UWA) Overview |
TN 79 07-24 |
DI 11010.150 |
Processing Return to Work Reports |
TN 82 03-25 |
DI 11010.160 |
Receiving a Work Report after a Claim is Transferred to Disability Determination Services
(DDS), Office of Disability Operations (ODO), or Processing Center (PC)
TN 82 03-25 |
DI 11010.165 |
Evaluation of Work of Blind Individuals |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.170 |
Processing Claims of Blind Persons Involving Work in 1978 or Later – Individuals Under
Age 55
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.175 |
Work Comparability Provisions for Title II Disabled Individuals Age 55 and Older |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.180 |
Impairment-Related Work Expenses (IRWE) Paid 12/01/80, and Later |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.185 |
When to Develop and Verify Impairment Related Work Expenses (IRWE) |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.190 |
Initial or Subsequent Disability Claims - Claimant Engaging in Substantial Gainful
Activity (SGA)
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.205 |
Completing the Paper SSA-831 |
TN 80 02-25 |
DI 11010.210 |
Assembling and Transmitting the Official Folder to Disability Determination Services
TN 63 05-19 |
DI 11010.250 |
Using Work Activity Reports |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.255 |
Sending Initial Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB), Freeze Claims to the Disability
Determination Services (DDS)
TN 67 08-20 |
DI 11010.260 |
Sending New Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) or Freeze Claims to the Disability
Determination Services (DDS) after a Previous Medical Denial or Cessation
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.261 |
Field Office Applying Prior Entitlement Months to the Medicare Waiting Period |
TN 59 11-18 |
DI 11010.262 |
Railroad (RR) Cases Sent to Great Lakes Program Service Center – Disability Processing
Branch (GLPSC- DPB)
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.265 |
Jurisdiction and Routing of Concurrent Title II - Title XVI Claims for Claimants who
Move to or from Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands (VI), Mexico, or Canada
TN 68 08-20 |
DI 11010.270 |
Title II Changed-Identity Claims |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.273 |
Disability Claim or Appeal Filed Under a New Social Security Number (SSN) |
TN 78 04-23 |
DI 11010.275 |
Sending Cases to Office of Central Operations/Office of International Operations (OCO/OIO) |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.280 |
Age 54 Guidelines for Determining Jurisdiction of Title II Disability Cases |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.285 |
Change in Processing Centers (PCs) for Special Disability Workload (SDW) Initial Claims,
Appeals and Amended Awards
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.290 |
Transferring Emergency Clause Cases by Disability Determination Services (DDS) to
Office of Disability Operations (ODO) Flexible Disability Unit (FDU) or Program Service
Center/Disability Processing Branch (PSC/DPB)
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.295 |
Excepting Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB), Disabled Widow(er) Benefits (DWB),
Freeze and Medicare Qualified Government Employee (MQGE) Claims from Field Office
(FO) Authorization
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.300 |
Routing Concurrent Disability Insurance Benefits –Retirement and Survivor Insurance
(DIB-RSI) Claims
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.305 |
Routing a Non-disability Claim after Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) Claim Forwarded
for Determination
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.310 |
Forwarding Retirement Survivors Insurance (RSI) Claims While Disability Insurance
Benefits (DIB) Claim is Pending Appeal
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.315 |
Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) Claimant Dies after File Sent to Disability Determination
Services (DDS) and Survivor Claim Filed
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.320 |
Disability Insurance Benefits-Retirement Insurance Benefits (DIB-RIB) Claimant Dies
before Disability Claim Adjudicated
TN 61 04-19 |
DI 11010.325 |
Receiving a Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB) Denial with a Retirement Insurance
Benefits (RIB) Claim in the Field Office (FO)
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.330 |
Developing Cause of Death on a Pending Disability Claim |
TN 74 08-22 |
DI 11010.335 |
Developing Survivor Claims when the Processing Center (PC) has Jurisdiction of the
Official Folder
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.340 |
Notifying the Field Office (FO) of Potential Allowance Cases by the Disability Determination
Services (DDS)
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.345 |
Preparing Notices in Disability Claims |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.350 |
Effectuating an Erroneous Payment in Title II or Concurrent Claims |
TN 62 04-19 |
DI 11010.355 |
Jurisdiction and Routing of Cases after Return from the Disability Determination Services
(DDS), Disability Processing Branch (DPB), or Disability Quality Branch (DQB)
TN 76 10-22 |
DI 11010.360 |
Handling Trailer Material for Paper Folders |
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.365 |
Assembling Material in the Official Folder Received from Disability Determination
Services (DDS), Office of Disability Operations (ODO), or Program Service Center (PSC)
TN 49 08-08 |
DI 11010.370 |
Field Offices (FO) Retaining and Shipping Paper Modular Disability Folders (MDF) |
TN 64 07-19 |
DI 11010.375 |
Field Office Transmittal of Paper Disability Claims |
TN 76 10-22 |
DI 11010.485 |
FO Development of Medical Evidence |
TN 41 01-02 |
DI 11010.490 |
Special Arrangement Sources - Concurrent Title II/XVI Cases |
TN 41 01-02 |
DI 11010.495 |
Special Arrangement Sources - Title II Cases |
TN 41 01-02 |
DI 11010.500 |
Claimant Prefers to Personally Request Evidence |
TN BASIC 03-86 |
DI 11010.505 |
Physician Prefers to be Contacted by the Claimant |
TN BASIC 03-86 |
DI 11010.510 |
Evidence in Claimant's Possession |
TN BASIC 03-86 |
DI 11010.520 |
Following Up on Requests for Medical Reports |
TN BASIC 03-86 |
DI 11010.525 |
Assisting Claimants who are Unable to Provide Medical Evidence |
TN 55 07-15 |
DI 11010.530 |
Claimant Does Not Authorize Access to Medical Evidence Due to Religious or Personal
TN 55 07-15 |
DI 11010.535 |
Confidentiality of Medical Information |
TN 41 01-02 |
DI 11010.540 |
Medical Evidence Received From a Foreign Source |
TN 54 12-14 |
DI DAL11010.540 |
Examining Evidence - Foreign Claims (TN 1 -- 08/2007) |
DI 11010.545 |
Payment for Medical Evidence of Record (MER) |
TN 41 01-02 |
DI 11010.550 |
Processing Requests for Payment for Medical Evidence Title II/Title XVI Claims |
TN 41 01-02 |
DI 11010.605 |
Requesting Evidence from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) |
TN 41 01-02 |
DI 11010.610 |
Field Office (FO) Receives Additional Evidence |
TN 56 01-16 |
DI 11010.620 |
Request for Additional Field Office (FO) Development before Determination by the Disability
Determination Services (DDS) or Processing Center Disability Processing Branch (PC-DPB))/Disability
Processing Units (DPU)
TN 56 01-16 |
DI 11010.625 |
Field Office (FO) — Reporting Changes to the Disability Determination Services (DDS) |
TN 41 01-02 |
DI 11010.630 |
DDS Telephone Calls to the FO |
TN 41 01-02 |
DI 11010.635 |
Information from DDS - Possible Need for Payee Development - Folder not yet Returned
to FO
TN 41 01-02 |
DI 11010.640 |
DDS Requests Proof of Age for Vocational Factors |
TN 41 01-02 |
DI 11010.645 |
Request for FO Development of Medical Evidence |
TN 41 01-02 |