TN 6 (05-99)

DI 25020.015 Environmental Limitations

A. Introduction

A person may have the physical and mental capacity to perform the functions of certain jobs, but to do so may aggravate his or her impairment(s) or subject the individual or others to the risk of bodily injury due to the environment in which the job is performed. Thus, the effects of any environmental limitation(s) on performing a job and/or a range(s) of work, must also be carefully considered.

See DI 25001.001 for definition of environmental limitation.

B. Examples of Environmental Limitations

Need to avoid being near dangerous moving machinery.

Need to avoid certain chemicals such as petroleum derivatives.

Need to avoid excessive dust or noise.

Need to avoid extreme heat or cold.

C. Policy

An environmental limitation ordinarily would not significantly affect the range of work existing in the national economy for individuals with the physical capacity for heavy or very heavy work.

A need to avoid only excessive amounts of environmental pollutants that exist to some degree in most work places (e.g., dust, noise, etc.) does not significantly impact on any range(s) of work.

An inability to tolerate very little dust, noise, etc., significantly impinges on all ranges of work since very few job environments are entirely free of irritants, pollutants and other potentially damaging conditions.

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