Basic (04-13)

DI 31005.001 Disability Determination Services (DDS) Procedures for Handling Regional Office (RO) and Appointed Representative Requests for Claim Status

NOTE: Regional procedures for implementing this policy may vary.

A. Handling Regional Office (RO) claim status requests

If you receive an inquiry from a RO, always reply using the same form of communication the region used. Handle critical claims according to the instructions in DI 23020.005.

B. Inquiries from appointed representatives

If you receive an inquiry or a request for status directly from the claimant's appointed representative, the type of response you provide depends on the type of inquiry and the status of the claim at the time you received the inquiry. You may release some types of information without claimant authorization. Please see additional information regarding the policy and procedures that govern the release of information in GN 03300.000, and GN 03910.001 thru GN 03910.090.

NOTE: Do not disclose disability claim determination information to an appointed representative until claim processing is complete as there may be a possibility of reversal by the Disability Quality Branch.

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DI 31005.001 - Disability Determination Services (DDS) Procedures for Handling Regional Office (RO) and Appointed Representative Requests for Claim Status - 04/15/2013
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