Basic (07-03)

NL 00713.009 ROAR Notices

A. Process -- General

The ROAR system generates a notice advising the beneficiary when an overpayment action is being taken on his/her account. Whenever the beneficiary monthly benefit amount is being changed or a request for a protest has been filed, a notice is generated.

Spanish notices are produced for beneficiaries with LANG-S on the MBR. These paragraphs correspond to the English versions generated for the same specific transaction.

B. Exhibit -- General Notice

General Notice (Replaces SSA-3926-EP)



Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance

Important Information



PSC's Name
Street Address
City, State, ZIP
Claim Number:



Beneficiary's Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip


As we told you in our prior letter, we reviewed your case and found that you do not have to pay us back all the money. Based on this, you will receive benefits as follows:


Month(s) Amount you will receive Amount

Balance you owe





If you pay Medicare premiums, they will be deducted from the amount shown under the heading “Amount you will receive.”

What We Will Pay and When

You will receive $611.00 for November 1996 in December 1996. After that, you will receive $611.00 on or about the third of each month.

If You Have Any Questions

If you have any questions, you may call us toll free at 1-800-772-1213, or call your local office at 716-343-2501. We can answer most questions over the phone. You can also write or visit any Social Security office. The office that serves your area is located at:

FO Street Address

City, State ZIP

If you do call or visit an office, please have this letter with you. It will help us answer your questions. Also, if you plan to visit an office, you may call ahead to make an appointment. This will help us serve you more quickly when you arrive at the office.



ARC's SignatureAssistant

Regional Commissioner

Processing Center Operations





Payment Stub

Refund Envelope

C. Process - When Specific Paragraphs are Generated Based on Transaction Codes

1. TC 28/TC 30/TC 31/TC 32/TC 36 and TC 53 Input

We receive a refund or returned check for part of the overpayment, and simultaneously approve a waiver request. We use the refund or check to reduce the overpayment amount and waive the balance of the overpayment.

a. Paragraph Generated - UTI WAV006

We recently received [1][2] [3] and used it toward the Social Security benefits paid in error. In addition, as we told you in our prior letter, we have also approved your waiver request. This means you do not have to pay us back the rest of the money. [4 ]


  1. [1] 

    Choice 1 - your returned check(s) of

    Choice 2 - your refund of

    Choice 3 - a refund from the Department of Justice of

    Choice 4 - NULL

  2. [2] 


  3. [3] 

    Choice 1 - of a federal payment you were due

    Choice 2 - NULL

  4. [4] 

    Choice 1 - Based on this, you will receive benefits as follows:

    Choice 2 - NULL

We receive a refund (including reentered excepted remittances) or a returned check and simultaneously approve a waiver request. We use the refund or check to reduce the overpayment amount and apply the partial waiver. However, there is still a remaining balance.

b. Paragraph Generated - UTI WAV007

We recently received [1][2] [3] and used it toward the Social Security benefits paid in error. In addition, as we told you in our prior letter, you do not have to pay us back all the money paid in error. Based on this, [4] [5]


  1. [1] 

    Choice 1 - your returned check(s) of

    Choice 2 - your refund of

    Choice 3 - a refund from the Department of Justice of

    Choice 4 - NULL

  2. [2] 


  3. [3] 

    Choice 1 - of a federal payment you were due

    Choice 2 - NULL

  4. [4] 

    Choice 1 - you will receive benefits as follows:

    Choice 2 - your current overpayment balance is

  5. [5] 

    Choice 1 - $($$,$$$.¢¢).

    Choice 2 - NULL

2. TC 28/TC 30/TC 31/TC 32/TC 36 and TC 25 Input

We receive a refund or returned check for all or part of the overpayment. In addition, we reduce the overpayment based on a reconsideration review.

Paragraph Generated - UTI WAV008

We recently received [1][2] [3] and used it toward the Social Security benefits paid in error. As we told you in our prior letter, we reviewed your case and found that you owe us less than we first told you. Based on this, [4 ] [5 ]


  1. [a] 

    Choice 1 - your returned check(s) of

    Choice 2 - your refund of

    Choice 3 - a refund from the Department of Justice of

    Choice 4 - NULL

  2. [b] 


  3. [c] 

    Choice 1 - of a federal payment you were due

    Choice 2 - NULL

  4. [d] 

    Choice 1 - you will receive benefits as follows:

    Choice 2 - your current overpayment balance is

  5. [e] 

    Choice 1 - $($$,$$$.¢¢)

    Choice 2 - NULL

3. TC 53 Input

We approve a full or partial waiver request.

Paragraph Generated - UTI WAV009

As we told you in our prior letter, you do not have to pay us back [1] the money paid in error. Based on this, [2 ] [3]


  1. [a] 

    Choice 1 - “all” (Use when a partial waiver has been approved)

    Choice 2 - NULL (Leave blank when a full waiver has been approved)

  2. [b] 

    Choice 1 - you will receive benefits as follows:

    (Use only when beneficiary is in current pay or deferred payment status.)

    Choice 2 - your current balance is

    (Use when the beneficiary's payments have been suspended or terminated and the case is not handled by the RECOOP.)

  3. [c] 

    Choice 1 - $($$,$$$.¢¢)

    Choice 2 - Null

4. TC 28/TC 30/TC 31/TC 32/TC 36 Input

We receive either a returned benefit check or a refund (including reentered excepted remittances) from a person in current or deferred payment status. Or we receive an ECO(TRO)/DOJ refund on behalf of a person who was previously terminated but is now in current payment status.

Paragraph Generated - UTI WAV010

We recently received [1][2] [3] and used it toward the Social Security benefits paid in error. Based on this, we have changed your repayment schedule as follows:


  1. [a] 

    Choice 1 - your returned check(s) of

    Choice 2 - your refund of

    Choice 3 - a refund from the Department of Justice of

    Choice 4 - NULL

  2. [b] 


  3. [c] 

    Choice 1 - of a federal payment you were due

    Choice 2 - NULL

5. TC30/TC 31/TC 32 and TC 28/TC 36 Input

We receive both a returned benefit check and a refund (including reentered excepted remittances), and the person is in current or deferred payment status. Or we receive a returned benefit check and a TRO/ DOJ refund on behalf of a person who was previously terminated but is now in current payment status.

Paragraph Generated - UTI WAV011

We recently received [1][2] [3] and your returned check(s) of [4] and used them toward the Social Security benefits paid in error. Based on this, we have changed your repayment schedule as follows:


  1. [a] 

    Choice 1 - your returned check(s) of

    (Choice 1 will not be generated.)

    Choice 2 - your refund of

    Choice 3 - a refund from the Department of Justice of

    Choice 4 - NULL

  2. [b] 


  3. [c] 

    Choice 1 - of a federal payment you were due

    Choice 2 – NULL

  4. [d] 


6. TC 28/TC 30/TC 31/TC 32/TC 36 Input and DPRD is Blank with a Protest Indicator

We receive a refund (including reentered excepted remittances) or returned check and the beneficiary has requested an explanation, waiver and/or reconsideration, partial withholding or hearing.

Paragraph Generated - UTI WAV012

We recently received [1][2] [3] and used it toward the Social Security benefits paid in error. In addition, we received your request [4]. [5]


  1. [a] 

    Choice 1 - your returned check(s) of

    Choice 2 - your refund of

    Choice 3 - a refund from the Department of Justice of

    Choice 4 - NULL

  2. [b] 


  3. [c] 

    Choice 1 - of a federal payment you were due

    Choice 2 - NULL

  4. [d] 

    Choice 1 - for an explanation

    Choice 2 - that we not collect the overpayment

    Choice 3 - that we review our decision

    Choice 4 - that we review our decision and not collect the overpayment

    Choice 5 - that we withhold a smaller amount

    Choice 6 - for a hearing

  5. [e] 

    Choice 1 - You will receive benefits as follows until we respond to your request:

    (Use only when the beneficiary is in current pay or deferred payment status.)

    Choice 2 - We will contact you later concerning this request.

    (Use when the beneficiary has been suspended or terminated and the case is not handled by RECOOP.)

7. TC 41/43 INPUT

Withholding rate established or adjusted.

Paragraph Generated - UTI RCY008

Below is the new withholding schedule we will use to collect the Social Security benefits paid in error:

8. TC 10 and TC 41 and TOE 31 Input

New SSI overpayment is being established with a partial adjustment.

Paragraph Generated - UTI RCY009

When you received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments in the past, you received more than you should have. Our records show that you still owe us [1]. Congress passed a law that permits us to collect SSI overpayments by withholding from your Social Security benefits. We plan to do that by withholding [2] from your Social Security benefits each month until we collect the [3] that you owe.


  1. [1] 

    dollar amount of SSI overpayment

  2. [2] 

    partial withholding amount

  3. [3] 

    dollar amount of SSI overpayment

9. TC 25/TC 41/TC 43 INPUT

End of withholding because of reconsideration.

Paragraph Generated - UTI RCY010



  1. [a] 

    Choice 1 - As we told you in our prior letter, we reviewed your case and found that you do not owe us any money.

    Choice 2 - As we told you in our prior letter, we reviewed your case and found that you do not have to pay us back all the money.

  2. [b] 

    Choice 1 – Based on this, you will receive benefits as follows:

    Choice 2 - NULL

10. TC'S Input and any Special Conditions

Any transaction is received and an underpayment is present on the record that ROAR uses to adjust a current overpayment.

Paragraph Generated - UTI RCY011

Our records show that we paid you $[1] too little. However, our records also show that you owe us money. Therefore, we have withheld the money we owe you and used it to recover the Social Security benefits paid in error. Based on this, [2] [3 ]


  1. [1] 


  2. [2] 

    Choice 1 - we have changed your repayment schedule as follows:

    (Use only when beneficiary is in current pay or deferred payment status.)

    Choice 2 - your current overpayment balance is

    (Use when the beneficiary's payments have been suspended or terminated and the case is not handled by RECOOP)

  3. [3] 

    Choice 1 - $($$,$$$.¢¢)

    Choice 2 - NULL

11. TC 43 Input and any Special Conditions

An overpaid beneficiary is receiving concurrent benefits; therefore, we are adjusting for 10 percent withholding.

Paragraph Generated - UTI RCY012

We are writing you about the repayment of Social Security benefits paid in error. Because you receive Supplemental Security Income, we will withhold only 10 percent of your Social Security payment each month until the money is repaid. So you will receive benefits as follows:

12. TC 23 Input and any Special Conditions

An overpayment has been established with a temporary withholding of collection for a person in current or deferred status. The temporary withholding is not being withheld because the account is in due process or the account of a terminated or suspended beneficiary is in due process.

Paragraph Generated - UTI RCY013

We received your request [1]. [2]


  1. [a] 

    Choice 1 - for an explanation

    Choice 2 - that we not collect the overpayment

    Choice 3 - that we review our decision

    Choice 4 - that we review our decision and not collect the overpayment

    Choice 5 - that we withhold a different amount

    Choice 6 - for a hearing

  2. [b] 

    Choice 1 - You will receive benefits as follows until we respond to your request:

    (Use only when the beneficiary is in current pay or deferred payment status.)

    Choice 2 - We will contact you later concerning this request.

    (Use when the beneficiary is in suspended or terminated payment status.)

D. References

  • Form SSA-3926-EP (Determination of Benefit Adjustment), SM 00610.505

  • TNA Online Notice Retrieval System, MSOM ORS 003.002

  • Collection of Title XVI Overpayments by Mandatory Cross Program Recovery, SI 02220.000

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NL 00713.009 - ROAR Notices - 05/14/2014
Batch run: 03/04/2025