NL 00720.000 Manual Adjustment, Credit and Award Process (MADCAP) Beneficiary Notice Print Program

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
NL 00720.001 MADCAP Paragraphs and Notices TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.002 Special Instructions for MADCAP Health Insurance (HI) and Supplementary Medical Insurance (SMI) Paragraphs TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.004 Notice Groups for MADCAP TN 37 07-24
NL 00720.007 List of Captions for MADCAP TN 27 01-23
NL 00720.010 Paragraph Sequence by Caption TN 41 02-25
NL 00720.020 AAA Dictated Text TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.025 ADJ Adjustment TN 42 03-25
NL 00720.030 AET Annual Earning Test TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.035 AGE Age TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.040 ALS Appeals TN 25 09-22
NL 00720.045 AMN Amended SSI Output TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.050 ATY Representative Fee TN 40 11-24
NL 00720.055 AWD Award TN 1 07-11
NL 00720.060 BEN Benefit Information TN 39 09-24
NL 00720.063 BEV Benefit Verification TN 8 09-17
NL 00720.065 BRR Beneficiary Reporting Responsibility TN 27 01-23
NL 00720.075 CDR Continuing Disability Review TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.080 CFD Conserved Funds TN 15 08-20
NL 00720.090 CIC Child-In-Care TN 4 08-12
NL 00720.095 CLO Closeout TN 16 12-20
NL 00720.100 COA Change of Address TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.105 COL Cost of Living TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.110 COP Copy of Notice TN 2 09-11
NL 00720.115 COV Cover Letter TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.120 DET Dual Entitlement TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.125 DIB Disability TN 19 01-22
NL 00720.130 DID Direct Deposit TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.135 DOA Determination of Award TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.140 DTH Death TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.145 ENT Entitlement TN 38 09-24
NL 00720.150 ERN Earnings TN 1 07-11
NL 00720.160 FOB Filing for Other Benefits TN 37 07-24
NL 00720.165 FUG Fugitive Felon TN 2 09-11
NL 00720.170 FWK Foreign Work TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.175 GAR Garnishment TN 31 06-23
NL 00720.177 GPO Government Pension Offset TN 42 03-25
NL 00720.180 HIB Health Insurance Benefits TN 43 03-25
NL 00720.185 INF Reminder or Informational TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.190 INS Insured Status TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.195 LIS Lead In Statement TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.200 LSP Lump Sum Payment TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.205 LVY Tax Levy TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.210 MHP Medicare Health Plan TN 25 09-22
NL 00720.215 MIS Miscellaneous TN 15 08-20
NL 00720.220 MOE Month of Entitlement TN 9 06-18
NL 00720.225 MPD Medicare Prescription Drug Plan TN 2 09-11
NL 00720.230 MSV Military Service TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.235 OCO One Check Only TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.240 ONS Disability Onset TN 4 08-12
NL 00720.245 OPT Overpayment TN 37 07-24
NL 00720.250 PAY Payment TN 2 09-11
NL 00720.255 PEN Penalty TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.260 PMT Payment Cycling TN 4 08-12
NL 00720.265 PRI Prisoner Provisions TN 2 09-11
NL 00720.270 RCN Reconsideration TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.273 RCT Receipts and Reporting Responsibilities TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.275 RCY Recovery TN 4 08-12
NL 00720.280 REF Referral TN 25 09-22
NL 00720.285 REL Family Relationship TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.290 REP Attorney Representation TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.295 RFU Refund TN 37 07-24
NL 00720.300 RIN Rate Increase TN 7 10-16
NL 00720.305 RNS Reinstatement TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.310 RPY Representative Payee TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.315 RRB Railroad Retirement Board TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.320 SEI Self Employment Income TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.325 SNO Special Notice Option TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.330 SSI Supplemental Security Income TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.335 STU Student Status TN 1 07-11
NL 00720.340 SUS Suspensions TN 6 07-16
NL 00720.345 TAX Taxation of Benefits TN 2 09-11
NL 00720.350 TBL Table TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.355 TER Terminations TN 37 07-24
NL 00720.360 TOT Totalization TN 10 10-18
NL 00720.365 TWP Trial Work Period TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.370 UPT Underpayment TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.375 VRN Vocational Rehabilitation TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.385 VTW Voluntary Tax Withholding TN 29 04-23
NL 00720.390 WAV Waiver TN 25 09-22
NL 00720.395 Workers' Compensation (WCP) TN 8 09-17
NL 00720.400 WDS Work and Earnings Deductions and Suspensions TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.405 WDW Withdrawal TN 7 10-16
NL 00720.410 WEP Windfall Elimination Provision TN 42 03-25
NL 00720.415 WFO Windfall Offset TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.420 WIB Widow or Widower (S) Insurance Benefits TN BASIC 05-11
NL 00720.425 XRP Expedited Reinstatement TN BASIC 05-11

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