Basic (08-06)

VB 02005.112 Documenting the Overpayment

A. Background

For instructions on how to read the SSR in developing an SVB overpayment, see SM 01311.000.

B. Policy

The resolution of SVB overpayments must be documented. The SSR formatted as an SVB record serves to document the status of overpayment development, and contains notice and appeal determination dates.

C. Procedure

1. Use the MSSICS System to Input the Level and Type of Overpayment Determination

Direct SSR Update is used to process overpayment actions in SVB cases (MSOM BUSSR 002). MSSICS processing of overpayments and underpayments is discussed in MSOM BUSSR 004. These MSSICS actions document the SSR regarding these determinations and the dates they were processed. See VB 02005.300 for information on making waiver determinations.

NOTE: VB 02020.005 gives instructions for the documentation and recovery of SSI overpayments from SVB through cross program recovery.

2. When Fraud is Involved

Refer to Office of the Inspector General. See GN 04110.010C, VB 02507.010A.5. and VB 02507.020. L-TAC the overpayment (SB code J)—Referral to OIG, OIFD (SM 01311.200 through SM 01311.205 and MSOM BUSSR 004).

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