Basic (11-19)

RM 03803.001 First Year Earnings Activity Identification on Microfilm Earnings List (1086 Listing)

  1. A. 

    An identification of the year for which earnings were initially reported is displayed on the right side of the 1086 listing. The two-position field for the year is preceded by the letter “F” for “first,” i.e., “F72.” For years prior to 1951, “F50” is shown.

  2. B. 

    The first year of earnings identification is changed to an earlier year if items are reported delinquently or reinstated for an earlier year than items previously posted. However, where “F50” is shown and there is subsequent activity for any year prior to 1951, “F50” remains constant.

  3. C. 

    Where earnings are removed for all four quarters of the “first year”, the identification is not changed to show a subsequent year. It remains as originally displayed. This ensures that we are aware of the earnings and that an adjustment was processed to remove them.

  4. D. 

    The first year earnings activity identification is an aid in the investigation of earnings records. By referring to this information when performing a check of the Microfilm Earnings List (1086 Listing), it is not necessary to examine years prior to the year listed as the first year of earnings except where “F50” is shown.

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RM 03803.001 - First Year Earnings Activity Identification on Microfilm Earnings List (1086 Listing) - 11/12/2019
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