Basic (08-09)
RM 10201.020 Requests to Use an SSN or Replica of the Social Security Card
Frequently, third parties ask if they can use a replica of the Social Security card
or an SSN for such things as advertising, magazine articles, or movies.
Advise requesters of the following:
Section 1140 of the Social Security Act prohibits the use of a symbol or emblem of
the Social Security Administration in connection with an advertisement or solicitation.
Civil monetary penalties may be imposed for violations of this section.
If the requester insists on displaying a nine-digit number as an SSN, explain that,
in order to avoid inadvertently displaying someone's valid SSN and causing the number
holder problems, the requester should display the digits “000-00-0000”. If there is
any indication the requester will not comply with this request, explain that the requester
could use any combination of numbers beginning with “000” and that any other combination
of numbers could potentially be a valid SSN.