SSN replacement cards may be processed for prisoners who are U.S. citizens, when no
changes to the Numident record are required, and there is a MOU in place that covers
the facility where the prisoner is held. Only applications meeting all provisions
of the MOU are processed using these instructions. Also, only the FO parallel to the
prison, or the FO specifically authorized to do so, may process SS-5s under the MOU
with the facility.
The FO processes applications from prisoners that cannot be processed under an MOU
agreement following the normal application and evidence procedures. For general rules
for evidence of identity, see RM 10210.405.
Before processing any application under the terms of a prisoner replacement card MOU,
ensure that the facility submitted a list of officials authorized to sign the cover
letter and Certification of Prison Records form. To ensure the list is up-to-date,
the FO requests a new list of officials annually, or when circumstances dictate per
RM 10225.135C.
FOs must be familiar with the terms of the prisoner replacement card MOUs and know
which facilities in their area are covered by Federal, State, or local MOUs, in order
to ensure that the facilities abide by the terms of the agreement. If the facility
consistently submits applications for prisoners that are not in compliance with the
terms of the MOU, i.e., incomplete or unsigned SS-5s or insufficient documentation,
refer to RM 10225.150, Auditing a Correctional Facility with Prisoner Replacement Card Memorandum of Understanding
FOs provide the correctional facility with an SSA contact name, address, and telephone
number, as well as an adequate supply of SS-5’s and SSA-3288’s (Consent for Release
of Information).