GN 00302.300 Developing Evidence of Age for Refugees

A. Policy: Refugee had evidence established prior to entry

When the refugee has evidence of age which was established prior to entry into the U.S., follow the regular proof-of-age procedures. (See GN 00307.303 through GN 00307.967 and GN 00312.000 for guidelines to evaluate evidence of age from specific foreign countries.)

Keep in mind that when documents are established within a few years of each other, the relative age of the documents is not a factor in the evaluation of the evidence.


    EXAMPLE: A record established in Europe a few years earlier than the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) record is not necessarily of higher probative value than the DHS document solely because it is older. However, other factors may result in an assignment of higher probative value.

B. Policy: Refugee has no evidence established prior to entry

In processing for admission to the U.S. those refugees who were unable to bring documentary evidence of age with them, DHS accepted the allegations of DB for its records. A number of aliens returned to DHS and changed their allegations of their DB.

If the refugee presents an I-551 or I-151 follow GN 00302.960. If the refugee presents an I-94 (Arrival/Departure Record) or an I-94 in an Unexpired Foreign Passport, compare the DB on the I-94 with the DB on the NUMIDENT or other SSA record. Resolve any discrepancy per GN 00302.160.

C. Documents that indicate refugee status

NOTE: These instructions and codes are for use in developing proof of age for individuals who have any of the documents listed below. They are not to be used to determine SSI alien eligibility. See SI 00502.000 for instructions about determining SSI alien eligibility.

Possession of one of the following documents is sufficient evidence of refugee status.

  • I-94, stamped “conditional entry”

  • I-94, Parole Edition

  • I-94, visitor's version (showing an expiration date) accompanied by correspondence from DHS indicating that the individual has been granted political asylum (if the correspondence does not clearly indicate this, contact DHS for verification)

  • I-151 or I-551 with an admission date for permanent residence of March 31, 1975 and a nationality code of V6, X3 or X4

  • I-151 or I-551 with one of the following codes:

    • CU6

    • CU7

    • IC6

    • IC7

    • R86

    • AS6

    • AS7

    • AS8

    • P71

    • P76

    • RE6

    • RE7

    • RE8

    • NP2

    • NP7

    • M83

    • M93

    • Y64

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