TN 8 (05-24)

GN 00312.066 Bulgaria – Vital Statistics Records

A. Policy for requesting birth, marriage, divorce, and death records

Bulgaria has no single, nationwide repository of civil registration records. Records are held at the local registrar’s office.

B.  Procedure for requesting birth, marriage, divorce, and death records

1. Office to contact

Contact the local registrar’s office where the event took place for birth, marriage, and death records. For baptism records, contact the church where the event took place.

U.S. citizens may contact the American Embassy for birth records:

Consular Section

American Embassy, Sofia

Department of State

Washington, D.C. 20521-5740

Individuals residing outside the United States contact the Bulgarian Embassy (or designated representative) in their country of residence for birth, marriage, and death records.

Bulgarian Embassy

1621 22nd NW

Washington, D.C. 20008

Contact the local registrar’s office where the event took place for marriage, and death records. Contact the courts where the event took place for divorce records.

2. Fees

  • Birth Certificates - No fee if the request is sent to the U.S. Embassy.

  • $7.00 U.S if the request is sent to a Bulgarian Embassy or consulate.

  • Baptismal Certificates - Varies.

  • Marriage or death - 1.50 BGL in Sofia (legalization 2.00 BGL); fees may vary in the countryside.

  • Marriage or death - $7.00 U.S. if the request is made through a Bulgarian Embassy.

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GN 00312.066 - Bulgaria – Vital Statistics Records - 05/14/2024
Batch run: 05/14/2024