This section explains how to evaluate the expenditures on the SSA-6233-BK, as they
relate to the individual's impairment.
DECISION FACTOR: Any items or services not listed in GN 00602.140B.1 are not permissible expenditures. Payees have special insight into the needs of the
beneficiary and how purchases relate to the beneficiary’s impairment. If the payee responds that they used
dedicated account funds for permissible expenditures, accept this response unless
there are
indications suggesting that the expenditures were not permissible.
If the payee responds that they used dedicated account funds for expenditures that
are not permissible, take the following steps:
Review the payee's explanation of what they purchased and the amount of each purchase.
Conduct a face-to-face interview with the payee whenever practical.
Review the payee's financial records and receipts to determine if the expenditure
is permitted under GN 00602.140B.1. Ensure the payee has the opportunity to explain (or provide supporting evidence)
why or how the expenditure (other than medical treatment, education or job skills
training) relates to, results from, or improves the child's condition.
Follow the procedures for making a misapplication determination if your review of
the dedicated account reveals that the payee misapplied funds for items or services
not permitted. (See GN 00602.140B.3) If the payee misapplied all of the funds in the account, follow GN 00605.230B.3. with required PE actions to update the SSR.
Consider changing the payee or making direct payment if the payee did not use the
dedicated account funds properly.
FO personnel has the authority to ask the payee to provide a detailed explanation
of what they purchased, including the amount of each purchase and how the item(s)
benefit the beneficiary and relate to their impairment. Payees are required to report
this information, if questioned.