Totalization Benefits

Chapter Table of Contents
GN 01701.000 Totalization Benefits - General
GN 01702.000 DO Development and Routing of Totalization Claims
GN 01703.000 DIO Processing of Totalization Claims
GN 01704.000 Development Support Examiner (DSE) and Benefit Earnings Technician (BET) Processing Instructions
GN 01705.000 Agreement With Italy
GN 01706.000 DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Italy
GN 01707.000 Agreement With Germany
GN 01708.000 DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Germany
GN 01709.000 Agreement With Switzerland
GN 01710.000 DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Switzerland
GN 01711.000 Agreement With Norway
GN 01712.000 DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Norway
GN 01713.000 Agreement with Belgium
GN 01714.000 DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Belgium
GN 01715.000 Agreement With Canada
GN 01716.000 DIO Processing Under the Agreement with Canada and the Quebec Understanding
GN 01717.000 Agreement With Sweden
GN 01718.000 DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Sweden
GN 01719.000 Agreement with the United Kingdom
GN 01720.000 DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with the United Kingdom
GN 01721.000 Agreement with Spain
GN 01722.000 DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Spain
GN 01723.000 Agreement with France
GN 01724.000 DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with France
GN 01725.000 Agreement with the Netherlands
GN 01726.000 DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with the Netherlands
GN 01727.000 Agreement with Portugal
GN 01728.000 DIO and FSP Processing under the Agreement with Portugal
GN 01729.000 Agreement With Austria
GN 01730.000 OIO and FSP Processing under the Agreement with Austria
GN 01731.000 Agreement With Finland
GN 01732.000 OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Finland
GN 01733.000 Agreement With Luxembourg
GN 01734.000 OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Luxembourg
GN 01735.000 Agreement With Ireland
GN 01736.000 OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Ireland
GN 01737.000 Agreement With Greece
GN 01738.000 OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Greece
GN 01739.000 Agreement with Chile
GN 01740.000 DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Chile
GN 01741.000 Agreement with the Republic of Korea
GN 01742.000 OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Korea
GN 01743.000 Agreement With Australia
GN 01744.000 OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement With Australia
GN 01745.000 Agreement With Japan
GN 01746.000 OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Japan
GN 01747.000 Agreement with Denmark
GN 01748.000 DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement With Denmark
GN 01749.000 Agreement with the Czech Republic.
GN 01750.000 OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with the Czech Republic
GN 01751.000 Agreement with Poland
GN 01752.000 OIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Poland
GN 01753.000 Totalization Agreement Between the United States and the Slovak Republic
GN 01755.000 Agreement with Hungary
GN 01756.000 DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Hungary
GN 01757.000 Agreement with Brazil
GN 01758.000 OEIO, DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Brazil
GN 01760.000 Agreement with Uruguay
GN 01762.000 OEIO, DIO and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Uruguay
GN 01763.000 Agreement with Iceland
GN 01770.000 International Agreements - Continued
GN 01771.000 OEIO, DIO, and FSP Processing Under the Agreement with Slovenia
GN 01772.000 Agreement With Iceland

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