TN 1 (07-99)

GN 01723.120 Eligibility for U.S. Totalization Benefits

A. Policy - General

Under the agreement, if a NH has at least 6 U.S. QC's but not enough to be insured for regular U.S. benefits, the NH's credits under the French Social Security system can be added to his/her U.S. coverage to permit the NH (or any dependents or survivors) to qualify for U.S. Totalization benefits.

B. Policy - Crediting french coverage

SSA will credit one U.S. QC for each calendar quarter of French coverage. (French coverage is measured in calendar quarters.) However, no credit will be given for:

  • any French quarters earned prior to 1937, or

  • any French calendar quarter that is already credited as a U.S. QC, or

  • more than 4 QC's for any calendar year.

C. Policy - Computing benefits

When U.S. insured status is established based on combined U.S. and French coverage, the amount of the U.S. Totalization benefit will be determined using the computation method described in GN 01701.200.

D. Policy - Adjudication responsibility

Field Offices (FO's) are responsible for processing an initial insured status denial (see GN 01702.315 - GN 01702.325) when the worker has at least 6 QC's but is not insured based on U.S. coverage alone. This denial will produce a notice advising the claimant that insured status is not met based on U.S. coverage alone and that the foreign coverage record is being requested. (Processing the initial denial also stops SAACCS time from accruing.)

The Office of International Operations (OIO) will request the French coverage record. When the French coverage record is received, OIO will convert the French coverage to QC's and finally adjudicate the claim.

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GN 01723.120 - Eligibility for U.S. Totalization Benefits - 07/08/1999
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