If an applicant wishes to file for Slovak benefits and does not bring the special
Form for Slovak benefits (SK/USA 2) to the FO:
Obtain a copy of Form SK/USA 2 from the Division of International Operations (DIO)
Totalization Forms
Intranet website; and
Print Form SK/USA2 and instructions and give to the applicant to complete; and
Provide assistance in completing the Form SK/USA 2; and
NOTE: Most applicants filing for Slovak benefits should be able to complete the application
without assistance by using the instructions provided with the application.
Witness the applicant signature on the Form; and
Accept, date and location stamp the application; and
Photocopy and certify the photocopied application; and
Request an “Informational/Certified Earnings Record” (ICERS) per MSOM ICERS 001.004;
Photocopy and certify the photocopies of any documents (evidence) the Slovak agency
has requested that the applicant include with the Slovak claim; and
Send the ICERS and the original SSA date and location-stamped Slovak application and
any additional SSA-certified claims material (photocopies of evidence) to the Division
of International Operations (DIO) at the following address:
Social Security Administration
of International Operations
P.O. Box 17769
Baltimore, Maryland
Complete the Modernized Development Worksheet (MDW) screen to show the date the FO
sent the claim for Slovak benefits to OEIO/DIO; and
Show “Totalization” as the ISSUE when completing the MDW screen; and
Return to the claimant the photocopy of the Form SK/USA 2 and any original evidentiary
documents submitted by the claimant.
Once OEIO/DIO receives the claim, OEIO/DIO will send the claim directly to the Slovak
agency along with the evidence and the worker’s U.S. coverage record.