TN 3 (07-20)

GN 03316.110 Disclosure Without Consent to Auxiliary Claimants/Beneficiaries about a Primary Claimant/Beneficiary or Number Holder (NH)

Auxiliary claimants or beneficiaries are entitled to information from the record of the NH or primary beneficiary, without his or her written consent, when the auxiliary needs the information to pursue his or her claim for benefits on the NH’s or primary beneficiary’s record.

A. Circumstance of disclosure

We must establish and verify the relationship of the auxiliary to the NH prior to any disclosure of personal information. We use the requirement factors in GN 00305.000 and GN 00306.000 to establish an auxiliary’s relationship.

See GN 03340.015 for more information on the requirements for individuals requesting access to a record. See GN 03360.005 for more information on disclosure of information via telephone.

B. What not to disclose

Do not disclose the NH’s or primary beneficiary’s Social Security number (SSN) or address.

EXAMPLE: A woman is applying for benefits on her own work record. Because she and her husband are separated, she does not know whether he is entitled to benefits or, if he is entitled, his Primary Insurance Amount (PIA). In addition, she does not have his SSN, although she does have enough identifying information for a search. She asks the field office (FO) for information about his entitlement and his current address.

We may disclose the NH’s PIA to his wife, so she can determine whether she would be entitled to a wife's benefit, in addition to, her own primary benefit. However, do not disclose the NH's current address, SSN, or other personal information, as she does not need this information to pursue a claim for wife's benefits.

IMPORTANT: See RM 10215.230 for special actions that are required when special indicator (SPIN) 6 appears on the Numident record.

C. Information about other claimants or beneficiaries

Auxiliary beneficiaries are entitled to certain information about other beneficiaries whose entitlement adversely affects their own benefits. See GN 03316.115 for more information regarding adverse claims and adverse actions.

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GN 03316.110 - Disclosure Without Consent to Auxiliary Claimants/Beneficiaries about a Primary Claimant/Beneficiary or Number Holder (NH) - 09/12/2005
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