Basic (02-18)
DI 60075.060 Promoting Opportunity Demonstration (POD) End of Year Reconciliation (EOYR)
During the year, the POD Automated System (PAS) calculates the POD offset amount based
on monthly reported earnings and IRWE. In the following year, the PAS performs an
EOYR to compare the earnings reported to actual earnings on the master earnings file
(MEF), taking into consideration any earnings paid prior to or after POD participation.
If the total earnings on the MEF do not match the total reported earnings for the
offset year, PAS calculates an underpayment (U/P) or overpayment (O/P). PAS automatically
handles U/Ps and O/Ps via a manual adjustment credit and award date entry (MACADE)
action. The MACADE action properly codes the offset MBA for the reconciliation year,
and generates a notice explaining the U/P or O/P.
The POD EOYR does not change current year offset for POD participants. The PAS performs
partial year computations for participants randomly assigned after February, or whose
last month of participation is prior to December. The PAS can only perform the EOYR
process for single entitled beneficiaries. Dual entitlement is a processing limitation
that is manually processed by the servicing PITAG or I&E unit.