HI 00630.000 Medicare Coverage Outside U.S.

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
HI 00630.001 Medicare Program Outside the United States - General TN 6 10-23
HI 00630.010 Enrollment Procedures - General TN 5 10-23
HI 00630.020 Initial Enrollment Procedures - Foreign Beneficiaries on the Social Security Rolls Approaching Age 65 or Disabled for 24 Months TN 7 10-23
HI 00630.030 Developing Foreign Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) Claims When Claimant May Be Eligible for Supplementary Medical Insurance (SMI) TN 1 02-20
HI 00630.040 Processing Claims Involving Possible Coverage Under The Health Insurance Programs for Individuals at Least Age 65 Who Are Not Entitled to Monthly Benefits
HI 00630.060 SMI Terminations and Withdrawals - General
HI 00630.070 Processing by the Modules - Medicare Outside U.S.
HI 00630.080 Procedure for the Issuance of an HI or SMI Card TN 2 11-22
HI 00630.090 Supplementary Medical Insurance Premium Collection in DIO - General TN 3 10-23
HI 00630.100 Mailroom Procedures - Medicare Outside U.S.
HI 00630.110 Deposit Clerk's Procedure - Medicare Outside U.S. TN 9 01-24
HI 00630.120 Direct Action Unit Processing of SSA-1592 Remittances
HI 00630.130 General Enrollment Period - Medicare Outside U.S. TN 15 02-25
HI 00630.140 Handling Inquiries Relating to Medicare - General
HI 00630.150 Inquiries Requesting Payment for Noncovered Hospital or Medical Services Furnished Outside the United States TN 10 01-24
HI 00630.160 Inquiries Requesting Payment or Claims Assistance Relating to Medicare Services Furnished in the United States TN 11 01-24
HI 00630.170 Other Medicare Inquiries
HI 00630.180 List of Exhibits - Medicare Outside U.S. TN 13 05-24

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