If evidence of MQGE earnings (SEQY or DEQY extracts, W-2s, or pay slips) shows Federal
earnings both during 1982 and 1983, assume, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that the individual was a Federal employee during 1/83.
If there is any question as to whether the individual was a Federal employee during
1/83, obtain one of the following to verify employment status during 1 /83:
A signed statement on the agency's letterhead certifying to the employee's status
based on official records of employment and pay; or
In the case of a pay slip, note that some Federal agencies' 1982 leave year ended
1/1/83; others ended 1/8/83. If a pay slip for the period 12/19 /82 - 1/1/83 shows
80 hours in pay status, or a pay slip for the period 12/26/82 - 1/8/83 shows 40 hours
in pay status, the individual is eligible for deemed GEQCs.