TN 5 (06-21)

HI 00930.010 District Office Procedure

Check any availabel queries for a T LAF code. If a T LAF code does appear, see HI 00930.030 (A)-(E).

If there is no a T LAF code does not appear, send an HMQ (see SM 00706.005), and when the replies are received, examine them for the following:

A. MBR Reply NIF

Email the problem and copies of the replies to the appropriate reviewing office. See HI 00930.050 for the email addresses.

B. Impediment Indicator on HI Master Tape

An impediment is indicated when the preclusion field shows YES, i.e., PCL YES on line 2 of the query reply; on SMI terminated field (PBT) Field, e.g., PATXXXX.

C. HI Reply NIF (code 52)

Refer the problem to CMS(see HI 00930.080 (C) for the email address).

D. No Impediment Indicator on HI and MBR and/or HI Require Correction

Follow HI 00930.050.

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HI 00930.010 - District Office Procedure - 09/15/1989
Batch run: 06/23/2021