TN 11 (07-24)

NL 01001.050 Where to View a Special Notice Option (SNO) Indicator

SNO indicators are found in numerous systems records.

A. Where is the SNO indicator displayed in eView?

1. How the SNO indicator appears in eView

If the applicant, beneficiary, recipient, or representative payee selects SNO, eView displays a link in the eView header bar. If the person did not select SNO, the link will not display in the eView header bar and the person receives notices in standard print via first-class mail.

2. How to view the SNO indicator in eView

To see the current SNO selection in eView, click on the “SNO” link in the eView header bar. The “Special Notice Option” page displays the person’s information and current SNO selection. The SNO selection also displays under the Case Data tab when you select the “Contacts” link. The “SNO” field and description only displays for the person who selects SNO. The eView system displays the most current SNO selection each time you launch the application.

3. Where eView displays representative payee information for SNO

If the representative payee selects SNO, the information will appear in eView by selecting either the SNO” link in the eView header bar or the “Case Data” tab under the “Contacts” link.

B. Where else are SNO indicators displayed?

You can query the iSNO application to determine a person’s special notice option. In addition, you can find SNO indicators on other systems records.

See details:

  • for Title II see SM 03005.315, Special Notice Option;

  • for Title XVI see SM 01601.475, Person Related Data - PRSN;

  • for Title XVI see SM 01601.565, Representative Payee Data - REPY; and

  • for Visitor Intake Process (VIP) see SM 01605.005, Identifying Information on the Customer Service Record (CSR).

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NL 01001.050 - Where to View a Special Notice Option (SNO) Indicator - 07/09/2024
Batch run: 07/09/2024