Basic (01-02)

VB 01503.130 Reinstatement--Foreign Residence Resumed

A. Policy

Once SVB payments have been suspended for cessation of foreign residence, payments may be resumed effective with the first month the beneficiary is considered to be residing outside the United States (in accordance with VB 00205.150C) as long as:

  • The SVB beneficiary has not been in suspense more than 12 consecutive months; and

  • The beneficiary continues to meet all SVB qualification requirements.

B. Procedure — Office Receiving Notification

Obtain the following:

  • Evidence to establish the SVB recipient's date of arrival/entry into the foreign country;

  • A signed statement (SSA-795 or similar form) showing the address where the SVB recipient is residing and that he or she intends to make this his or her permanent home; and

  • Evidence to establish that the individual is actually living at the address shown on the statement.

Fax and then mail the material to the CPS having SVB jurisdiction.

C. Procedure — CPS

  • Reinstate SVB; and

  • Prepare and send a resumption notice.

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VB 01503.130 - Reinstatement--Foreign Residence Resumed - 02/01/2002
Batch run: 08/13/2012