TN 72 (01-24)

SI 00501.416 Blind or Disabled Children of Military Personnel Stationed Overseas - Processing Responsibilities

A. Procedure - jurisdiction and routing

Follow this procedure for jurisdiction and routing of actions pertinent to cases involving blind or disabled children of military personnel stationed overseas.

NOTE: Do not forward any other cases involving foreign addresses to the Cumberland FO (see SI 02301.225F – Developing Reports of U.S. Absence).

1. Jurisdiction

a. SSADO # 275 Cumberland, MD (cumberland FO)

The Cumberland FO will assume the role of servicing FO:

  • for protective filings and SSI leads received; or

  • at the point the transferring FO completes a change of address (COA).

b. Field office (FO)

Retain jurisdiction until you:

  • establish a protective filing or SSI lead for the Cumberland FO (See SI 00501.416A.2. – Routing a Protective Filing or SSI lead); or

  • complete a COA based on the instructions in SI 00501.416B and SI 00501.416C.

c. Disability determinations, claim filed while child is overseas

Social Security Administration, The Office of International Operations, (OIO) will make all disability determinations required in claims filed while the child is outside the United States. Send cases requiring a medical decision to the following OIO mailing address:

Social Security Administation

Office of International Operations

P.O. Box 17775

Baltimore, MD 21235

NOTE: Use office code “V22” when sending cases to OIO (Office of International Operations) for a medical decision.

d. Appeal requests

Appeal requests will be handled by the Cumberland FO (See SI 00501.416A.2.I - Appeals Request, FO and FSP Procedure).

2. Routing

a. FO – SSI protective filing or SSI lead is received

When a protective filing or SSI lead is received for a blind or disabled child of military personnel stationed overseas, immediately notify the Cumberland FO as follows:

  • Oral Inquiries

    If an oral inquiry is received, document the protective filing date by completing the required enhanced Leads and Appointment System (eLAS) screens (See GN 00204.010E.1. – Documenting a Protective Filing Date);

    • Use office code 275 for Cumberland FO. Do not make an appointment (See MSOM APPTS 001.006 – MSOM APPTS 001.007 - Description of the enhanced Leads and Appointment System Fields);

    • Show “SSI MILITARY CHILD OVERSEAS” in the REMARKS field and document with any available information in SI 00501.416B.1.; and

    • Include the applicant's full overseas telephone number and corresponding country in the REMARKS section.

  • Written Inquiry

    If a written inquiry is received, attach the protective writing to the envelope it was sent in (See GN 00204.010B.1.c. - Protective Writings);

    • Send a Modernized Development Worksheet (MDW) to the Cumberland FO as illustrated in SI 00501.419A. Exhibit 1;

    • Document REMARKS on the MDW with the protective filing date (See GN 00204.007 – Application Filing Date) and any available information in SI 00501.416B.1;

    • Include the applicant's full overseas telephone number and corresponding country in the REMARKS section;

    • Label top of the protective writing by handwriting “SSI MILITARY CHILD OVERSEAS”; and

    • Attach protective writing to a copy of the MDW along with a route slip (See SI 00501.419B. Exhibit 2) and mail it to the Cumberland FO at:

    Social Security Administration

    ATTN: SSI Military Children Overseas Coordinator

    1 Frederick Street

    Suite 100

    Cumberland, MD 21502

b. Foreign service post (FSP)

When a protective filing or SSI lead is received for a blind or disabled child of military personnel stationed overseas, immediately notify the Cumberland FO.

  • Oral Inquiry is Received and Access to enhanced Leads and Appointment System (eLAS) is Not Available

    • Complete a Form SSA-795 to document the oral inquiry;

    • Send an MDW to the Cumberland FO as illustrated in SI 00501.419A. Exhibit 1;

    • Document SSA-795 and the MDW with the protective filing date and any available information in SI 00501.416B.1;

    • Include the child's SSN, full overseas telephone number and corresponding country on the SSA-795;

    • Label the top of the SSA-795 by handwriting “SSI MILITARY CHILD OVERSEAS”; and

    • Attach the protective writing to a copy of the MDW along with a route slip (See SI 00501.419B. Exhibit 2) and mail to the Cumberland FO (See SI 00501.416 A.2.a. -

      Cumberland's Address).

c. Overseas inquirer does not have access to an FSP

In the event the inquirer cannot contact an FSP, the inquirer must provide a written statement on behalf of the child expressing intent to claim these benefits (See GN 00204.010B.1. - Protective Writing).

The written statement should be mailed to the Cumberland FO (See SI 00501.416A.2.a. - Cumberland's Address) and should include:

  • Child's SSN and name;

  • Proper applicant's name, relationship and contact information (e.g. full foreign phone number and address); and

  • Any available information shown in SI 00501.416B.1.).

d. FO - When a COA requires transfer of a case to the cumberland FO:

  • Make the necessary input described in SI 00501.418C.; and

  • Notify the Cumberland FO by sending an MDW as illustrated in SI 00501.419A. Exhibit 1; and

  • Include full overseas telephone number and corresponding country in the REMARKS section;

  • Make input for folder control if you are forwarding the medical folder to the Cumberland FO (SM 01201.120 and

  • Forward any case documentation in SI 00501.416 B.1 and any material you have under the route slip (See SI 00501.419B. Exhibit 2 - Route Slip) to the Cumberland FO (SI 00501.416A.2 – Cumberland's Address).

e. Disability determinations

All disability determinations under this provision will be handled by the Office of International Operations (OIO). When any medical development (e.g., initial determination of disability, continuing disability review, capability) is required, the Cumberland FO will forward the appropriate forms, under special flag (See SI 00501.419C. Exhibit 3 - SSI Military Children Overseas Case Flag) to:

Social Security Administration

Office of International Operations

P.O. Box 17775

Baltimore, MD 21235

NOTE: Use office code “V22” when sending cases to OIO (Office of International Operations) for a medical decision.

f. Medical evidence received (MER) in FO or FSP

If medical evidence is brought into an FO (field office) or FSP for a case pending a medical decision under this provision, send the medical evidence to OIO (#V22). First check the SSID and DDSQ to make certain the medical folder is in OIO (#V22). Send the medical evidence under special flag (See SI 00501.419C. Exhibit 3 – SSI Military Children Overseas Case Flag) to OIO (See SI 00501.416A.1.c. – OIO's Mailing Address)

g. COA received, cumberland FO initiated pending medical development

When notified of the COA, the receiving FO will inform OIO (Office of International Operations) following the instructions in GN 02605.001. Use DOORS (See MSOM DOORS 002.002 – Processing Center Menu) to locate the examiner of the pending claim in PC 8 (OIO). These instructions apply equally if the COA involves the child's leaving or returning to the United States.

h. COA received, field office initiated pending medical development in DDS

When notified of a COA to a foreign address, determine whether the child meets the exception in SI 00501.415C.1. If the child meets the exception:

  • Input a COA as described in SI 00501.418C.1.; and

  • Notify the Cumberland FO by sending an MDW as illustrated in SI 00501.419A. Exhibit 1; and

  • Report the new address to DDS and have DDS transfer the medical folder to OIO (See SI 00501.416A.1.c. – OIO's Address). Make all necessary inputs on MSSICS and EDCS to transfer the case to OIO #V22.

i. Appeal requests, FO and FSP procedure

  • If an appeal request is received in person for a child who meets the exception in SI 00501.415C.1.:

    • Assist the claimant with completing the required appeal forms taking into consideration the next level of appeal; and

    • Send an MDW to the Cumberland FO as illustrated in SI 00501.419A Exhibit 1; and

    • Document the REMARKS on the MDW with the date the Appeal Request was received and any available information listed in SI 00501.416B.1. Include the claimant's full overseas telephone number and corresponding country; and

    • Send the claimant's completed appeal forms with a copy of the MDW to the Cumberland FO (See SI 00501.416A.2.a – Cumberland's Address).

  • If an appeal request is received over the phone for a child who meets the exception in SI 00501.415C.1.:

    • Mail the claimant the appropriate appeal forms with a prepaid self-addressed envelop with the Cumberland FO's mailing address (see SI 00501.416A.2.a. – Cumberland's Address); and

    • Ask the claimant to mail the completed appeal forms to the Cumberland FO in the provided enclosed envelope; and

    • Send an MDW to the Cumberland FO as illustrated in SI 00501.419A, Exhibit 1; and

    • Document the REMARKS on the MDW with the date the Appeal Request was received and any available information listed in SI 00501.416B.1. Include the claimant's full overseas telephone number and corresponding country.

j. Systems traffic, OIO responsibility

OIO will mail any systems traffic received to the Cumberland FO on a flow basis. This will be the case until systems enhancements allow for more automated processing.

B. Procedure - FO responsibilities/COA reported prior to move overseas

Follow this procedure when routing inquiries (See SI 00501.416A.2. - Routing) and reporting a COA (See SI 00501.416A.2.d. – COA Requires Transfer) to the Cumberland FO.

1. Documentation

  1. a. 

    Obtain the military orders and photocopy them for the file.

  2. b. 

    Obtain a signed statement or an SSA-5002 with any of the following information which is available:

    • Residence address at the new duty station.

    • Telephone number at the new duty station, including foreign country and city code.

    • Any information available about the amounts of military allowances that will be paid to the parent while overseas. Make photocopies of any available military leave and earnings statements (LES).

    • Any information about the household composition. Provide names and relationship to the child.

    • Any information of income and resources for members of the household. Make photocopies of any available proofs of income and resources for all members of the household.

    • Mailing address at the new duty station. The Army Post Office (APO)/Foreign Post Office (FPO) address is very important to the systems input to ensure that checks, notices, and systems traffic are routed properly. If the individual does not have the address, have them submit it as soon as possible. This information is available at the new duty station.

NOTE: Information about allowances, residence address, and telephone number usually becomes available to military personnel once they reach their new duty stations. If this information is not available at the initial contact, proceed without it.

2. Reporting

Give the individual:

  • a copy of the pamphlet “What You Have to Know About SSI” (ICN 480265); and

  • a copy of the spotlight at SI 00601.060B, and

  • an SSA-8009-U3, SSI Request for Information/Evidence, requesting the information in SI 00501.416B.1. For the return address, use the Cumberland FO address as in SI 00501.416A.2.a.; and

  • a franked business reply envelope addressed to the Cumberland FO as in SI 00501.416A.2.

3. Case control

Transfer jurisdiction of the case using the criteria below:

a. Protective filings or SSI leads

Route protective filings and SSI leads to the Cumberland FO (# 275) as illustrated in SI 00501.416A.2.

b. Posteligibility

  • If the child is scheduled to join the military parent in the month of the report or the month immediately following, complete any pending development before transferring jurisdiction of the case to the Cumberland FO;

  • Use the address information you requested in SI 00501.416B.1. to change the address and jurisdiction of the case. (See SI 00501.418C – System Input);

  • If the child is not scheduled to move until the second month following the month of report or later:

    • maintain the case in your office;

    • complete any pending development; and

    • as soon as possible after the first of the month before the month the child is scheduled to join the military parent overseas, change the address using the information you requested in SI 00501.416B.1.

c. Transferring systems jurisdiction

When taking posteligibility actions above, take the following steps when transferring systems jurisdiction:

  • Send an MDW as illustrated in SI 00501.419A, Exhibit 1 to the Cumberland FO alerting them of their jurisdiction; and

  • Forward any photocopies of available proofs documented in SI 00501.416B.1. Attach the route slip in SI 00501.419B, Exhibit 2. Be sure to include a copy of the SSA-8009; and

  • Make an input for folder control if you are forwarding the medical folder to the Cumberland FO.

C. Procedure - FO responsibilities/COA reported after move overseas

If the child is already overseas when the COA is reported, use the following procedure:

  • Send the Cumberland FO the MDW as illustrated in SI 00501.419A, Exhibit 1;

  • Make photocopies of any available proofs documented in SI 00501.416B.1.; and

  • Forward the entire COA report to the Cumberland FO by attaching the completed COA input, copy of MDW, proofs and any documentation to the completed route slip in SI 00501.419B, Exhibit 2.

D. Process - cumberland FO responsibilities

The process below describes the Cumberland FOs’ overall responsibility for these cases.

1. General

The Cumberland FO becomes the servicing component only for cases involving children of military personnel stationed overseas as described in SI 00501.415C.1. at the point the prior servicing FO transfers jurisdiction. The Cumberland FO will process all initial claims and posteligibility actions in these cases for the period the child remains overseas.

NOTE: Do not forward any other cases involving foreign addresses to the Cumberland FO (see SI 02301.225F – Developing Reports of US Absence).

2. Closing out inquiries

The Cumberland FO will dispose of all leads and closeout protective filings that do not result in a valid application. Follow SI 00601.037 for instructions on disposing of leads and closing out protective filings.

3. Initial claims and posteligibility

When the Cumberland FO receives jurisdiction of an inquiry, protective filing, pending claim, posteligibility action, or is notified that any SSI-related action is necessary for a child of military personnel already overseas, it will process those actions by direct contact as necessary.

E. Procedure - cumberland FO general development

The following outlines general procedure for the Cumberland FO to follow in processing these cases:

1. Contacting OIO

If you need to contact the OIO Disability Examiner for a pending disability claim, use DOORS. (See MSOM DOORS 002.002 - Processing Center Menu.) Access DOORS from the main menu, Select 2 (Processing Center) and input PC 8 and the SSN. You will be provided with contact information for the disability examiner handling the case.

2. Case development

a. General

Follow all current program rules in these cases except that the child does not have to be present in the United States.

b. “Living with” for eligibility purposes

For purposes of this provision, interpret “living with” broadly and accept any reasonable allegations that the child's presence overseas is due to the parent's permanent duty ashore overseas. (See SI 00501.415C.5. and SI 00501.415C.6. – Definition of “Living With.”) Document the file with a signed statement.

NOTE: Be sure to follow all current deeming rules as they apply to cases involving military personnel. Be aware that it is possible for a child to “live with” the military parent for purposes of continuing eligibility but not for deeming purposes. Deeming does not apply starting the month after the eligible child attains 18 years of age; however, they may still meet the definition of a child. (See SI 01310.115 - Deeming Concept- Child.)

F. Procedure - cumberland FO/initial claims

Process initial claims for blind or disabled children of military personnel stationed overseas as follows:

  1. 1. 

    Determine whether the child meets the exception in SI 00501.415C.1.;

  2. 2. 

    Document the file using the procedure in SI 00501.416B.1.;

  3. 3. 

    Obtain a full application. (i.e., MSSICS Full Application);

  4. 4. 

    Create an EDCS Case. Include paper copies of the disability reports in the file;

  5. 5. 

    Attach the completed designated flag to the front of the folder (see SI 00501.419C, Exhibit 3 - Cumberland Flag);

  6. 6. 

    Establish the SSI record following the criteria in SI 00501.418B; and

  7. 7. 

    Send the case to OIO (see SI 00501.416A.1.c. – OIO's Address) for a medical decision.

G. Procedure – cumberland FO/appeal requests

Follow these instructions when you receive an appeal request:

1. Request for reconsideration

a. Nonmedical issue

The Cumberland FO will process and make a determination on all nonmedical Reconsideration requests received only if the child meets the exception in SI 00501.415C, when the Reconsideration request is received.

b. Medical issue

If you receive a Reconsideration Request on an initial medical denial:

  • Process the required MSSICS and EDCS screens to show a Reconsideration Request has been received and routed to OIO (see DI 81010.150 – Processing a Reconsideration Request on EDCS); and

  • Send the medical folder with paper copies of all forms required to request a Reconsideration of an initial medical denial to OIO, office code “V22” (see SI 00501.416A.1.c. – OIO's Address).

2. Request for hearing

If you receive a Hearing Request on an affirmation of a Reconsideration medical denial:

  • Process the required MSSICS and EDCS screens to show a Hearing Request has been received and routed to OIO (see DI 81010.150 – Processing a Hearing request on EDCS); and

  • Send the medical folder with paper copies of all forms required to request a Hearing of an affirmation of a Reconsideration medical denial to OIO, office code “V22” (see SI 00501.416A.1.c. – OIO's Address).

NOTE: OIO will forward the Hearing Request to the appropriate Hearings Office.

H. Procedure - cumberland FO/posteligibility actions

Follow the instructions below for processing posteligibility actions involving children of military personnel stationed overseas affected by this provision.

1. Redeterminations/general

Review the Post Entitlement Operational Data Store (PE ODS) listing for cases posted with a “V” profile (this is a middle error profile code “MEP” specific to these cases) and process using the instructions in this section and SI 02305.000.

2. First redetermination after a move overseas

a. Processing the first redetermination

Complete the first redetermination after the jurisdiction change using abbreviated procedures. If the Cumberland FO does not have a record of processing a prior redetermination for the “overseas” case, it may assume that the abbreviated procedure applies.

b. The abbreviated redetermination procedure

Document the file with the following information:

  • Proof that the child is a United States citizen if the appropriate code from SM 01601.400C is not present on the record.

  • The military status of the parent.

  • The living arrangement of the child, including a signed statement indicating that the child “lives with” the military parent.

  • The income of the disabled child and deemors, including all military allowances at the overseas duty station.

NOTE: It is not necessary to document other eligibility factors at this redetermination absent a specific allegation of change.

c. Clearing the abbreviated redetermination

Use disposition code “O” to clear the case from Post Entitlement Operational Data Store (PE ODS). (See SM 01501.003B - Redeterminations.)

3. Subsequent redeterminations

a. Processing subsequent redeterminations

Use standard MEP development procedures when processing subsequent redeterminations. Do not use abbreviated procedures. Anticipate changes in military allowances since the prior redetermination and request proof when you initiate mail or telephone contact.

b. Clearing subsequent redeterminations

Use disposition codes “J,” “K,” or “L” as appropriate. (See SM 01501.003B - Redeterminations.)

4. Child returns to united states

Follow normal processing instructions for transferring jurisdiction of the case to the appropriate FO (see GN 00904.062 – Transferring initial claim jurisdiction and SI 02305.046B.3. – Transferring PE jurisdiction).

I. Procedure - suspensions

Follow the instructions below when you consider suspending the eligibility of a blind or disabled child of military personnel stationed overseas.

1. General

Develop suspension for events as current procedures provide (e.g., excess income or resources). However, follow instructions in SI 00501.416I.2. and SI 00501.417 for suspensions and notices for events specifically related to these cases (e.g., child not “living with” military parent overseas).

2. Failure to confirm eligibility (N05)

  1. a. 

    For all blind or disabled children of military personnel stationed overseas, use code N05 to suspend payments if the requested information is not provided within 45 days (i.e., 30 days plus 15 days for overseas mail time) or the later of, when the child leaves the United States, or when you request the information.

  2. b. 

    Input N05 for the next month for which you can affect payment.

  3. c. 

    Issue a manual Notice of Planned Action, SSA-L8155-U2.

  4. d. 

    Do not use N20 to suspend payments.

  5. e. 

    Use discretion when you consider suspending payments. Be sensitive to the unique difficulties encountered by military personnel overseas (e.g., information unavailable due to delays in overseas allowances). If the individual is attempting to comply in good faith with the request for information, provide the extension necessary to comply (see SI 02301.200B.2. – Suspensions, SSA responsibilities).

3. Suspension and reinstatement

Reinstate payments when a blind or disabled child becomes eligible again in the 24 months following the effective date of a suspension. See SI 02301.205 on suspension and reinstatement.

J. Procedure - nonreceipt of checks

Process reports of nonreceipt of checks immediately. Because of the expected lag caused by mail time, this is a particularly critical action.

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