TN 25 (08-24)

SI 02003.020 Field Office Processing of IAR Authorizations

A. Description of processing IAR authorizations under eIAR

On November 20, 2010, SSA implemented the eIAR system. The eIAR system changes IAR accounting from a paper process to an electronic process and reduces field office (FO) involvement with processing IAR payments and notices.

States access the eIAR system using the Government to Government Services Online (GSO) website. SSA regional office IAR coordinators also access eIAR on the GSO website.

The eIAR process begins when the State notifies SSA that an individual has signed an IAR authorization. The State notifies SSA using either the manual notification or automated notification process. After SSA receives notification that the State agency has a valid authorization, the GR code is posted on the SSI record and eIAR control of the reimbursement process begins.

SSA communicates with the State about an IAR case using the eIAR screens and email messages generated by the eIAR system. The eIAR system processes most reimbursements to completion without FO involvement when the FO inputs the SSI claim allowance. The FO must complete an underpayment review to build the UPV: V on the SSR before the eIAR system can process a reimbursement.

NOTE: Field offices do not have access to the eIAR site. SSA regional office IAR coordinators have view and query access.

B. Procedure for processing IAR authorizations in manual notification States

In a manual notification State, the State sends the original paper authorization form to the FO to notify SSA that it has a valid authorization for reimbursement. The FO:

  • date stamps the authorization form;

  • reviews the form to ensure that it is completed correctly, signed by the State and the individual, and received by the FO within 30 days from the date that the individual signed the authorization;

  • inputs the GR code if no GR code of “R” or “F” is already posted on the SSR. The GR code must be posted to the individual’s SSR before SSA releases the retroactive benefits. For information about posting the GR code, see MSOM MSSICS 023.006 and SM 01005.623. Do not change or delete a GR code present on a record unless it was input erroneously (e.g., State and county code input as 12435, correct code is 12345).

    IMPORTANT: Do not delete a Grant Reimbursement Code (GRC). Contact your eIAR Regional Coordinator, if expedited processing is required or there is justification for the GRC deletion.

  • inputs the corrected application date if the authorization form identifies a protective filing and reviews eligibility back to the protective filing date;

  • notifies DDS or the Office of Hearings Operations (OHO) of the protective filing date if a disability claim is pending at DDS or OHO;

  • faxes a copy of the signed authorization form into the appropriate electronic folder to document the protective filing date; and

  • shreds the paper form after faxing a copy to the electronic folder.

The eIAR system will:

  • control the case;

  • post information on the eIAR screens;

  • automatically send appropriate notifications and follow-ups to the State; and

  • process the IAR reimbursement to the State when the FO completes the prepayment review and inputs an allowance for the claim to build the UPV:V to the SSR.

NOTE: The correct application date must be on the SSR at the time the UPV: V is built so the eIAR system uses the correct IAR period to process the case.

REMINDER: Process workloads in the proper sequence, e.g. review terminated records for underpayments. The GR code must be brought forward from a terminated record to a start-dated record if there will an underpayment on the start-dated record.

C. Process for IAR authorizations in automated notification States

1. Electronic interface notifies SSA of the authorization

In an automated notification State:

  • the State sends the IAR authorization information to SSA through an electronic interface with the Supplemental Security Record (SSR);

  • the electronic interface sends information that the State has a valid authorization, the date the authorization was signed, and the date the State received the authorization; and

  • The system automatically posts a GR code to the SSR when the State IAR file interfaces with the SSR and matches an established SSI claim.

2. PR-73 alert sent to the FO

For an automated notification State:

  • the system automatically sends a PR-73 alert to the servicing FO when the date of the State GR code input precedes the SSI application date on the SSR;

  • the PR-73 alert shows the date the State received a signed authorization; and

  • if the PR-73 alert indicates a protective filing date that is earlier than the application date, redevelop the claim back to the protective filing date.

For more information about the PR-73 alert, see SM 01015.090.

D. Procedure for returning IAR authorizations to States

1. 30-calendar day rule

Under eIAR, the 30-calendar day rule still applies. If the State submits an authorization to SSA more than 30 days after the individual signed the authorization, the FO must return the authorization to the State. Use the following language when returning the form to the State.

“Authorization is not effective because it was not received by SSA within 30 calendar days of the day the individual or their representative payee or legal guardian signed the authorization.”

If the State does not meet the 30-day deadline, the authorization is not effective and SSA will pay the SSI recipient the retroactive payments according to normal SSI payment rules. In this situation, the State can ask the recipient for reimbursement, but SSA will not assist the State with its request to the recipient. For more information about the 30-calendar day rule, see SI 02003.006, Effective Life if an IAR Authorization.

2. Authorization is not properly signed

When an individual or State does not properly sign authorization:

  • Return the paper authorization to the State if the SSI applicant or State IAR representative did not sign and date the authorization. This process applies to both initial claims and PE situations. Notify the State to obtain the missing signatures or dates; and

  • Return the paper authorization to the State if it signed by a State IAR representative who is also representative payee or legal guardian for the SSI applicant. The State signing in this manner would result in a potential conflict of interest as described in SI 02003.005B.4. Notify the State to obtain an appropriate signature and explain why the original signature was not acceptable.

    NOTE: When returning an authorization to the State, advise the State that the 30-day rule for the effective life of the authorization applies to authorizations returned for signatures.

3. Multiple Authorizations

If there is a GR code that is already pending on the SSR any subsequent authorizations are returned to the State unless the authorization is for a new IC or PE event. Return it to the State office with a notation that the claimant has already authorized payment to another State IAR agency.

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