TN 1 (03-13)

RM 02032.001 Duplicate Earnings Alerts in OEIO

A. Background on duplicate earnings

The Office of Earnings Enumeration and Administrative System (OEEAS) placed an edit to generate alerts when potentially duplicate wage items post to the Master Earnings File (MEF) Update system.

OEEAS created a listing entitled the Apparent/Possible Duplicate Alert Listing, which contain duplicate wage postings that did not electronically offset due to their questionable nature. OEEAS send this listing to the Office of Earning and International Operations' (OEIO)/Division of Earnings And Business Services (DEBS) to perform a manual investigation to determine if the listing requires an adjustment.

The listing contained two types of alerts. OEEAS define the alerts as follows:

  • Apparent Alerts – generate when two earnings items posts on the MEF for the same tax year with the same money amounts, but different earnings employment types.

  • Possible Duplicate Alerts – generate when two earnings items posts on the MEF for the same tax year with the same money amounts, but different Employer Identification Numbers (EINs).

B. Introduction to the possible duplicate (PD) indicator

When potentially duplicate earnings update, OEEAS sets an edit on the “Remarks” field of the Master Earnings File (MEF) (e.g., POSSIBLE DUPLICATE POSTED FICA EARNINGS FOR 2001). This edit displays on the Detail Earnings Query Response (DEQR) or the Summary Earnings Query (SEQY).

OEEAS identified five types of earnings situations that require an action from DEBS technicians when the indicator is on the MEF:

1. Apparent alert

Situation 1: Same money and same EIN, but different Employment Types (EETs) on multiple W-2 details

Action: Delete any incorrect W-2 detail(s) for duplicate money amount.

Situation 2: Same money, but different EINs on W-2 detail and W-2c detail. (W-2c Alert).

Action: Delete any incorrect W-2 detail(s) for duplicate money amount.

2. Possible duplicate alert

Situation 3: Same money, but different Employer Identification Numbers (EIN) on multiple W-2 details

Action: Delete any incorrect W-2 detail(s) for duplicate money amount.

Situation 4: W-2c detail failed to offset W-2 detail due to multiple EINs. (W-2c Alert)

Action: Review “original” money fields on W-2c and delete corresponding W-2 details.

Situation 5: Same money on the Detailed Earnings Query (DEQR) for the following: COVERED DETAILS (1) and RAILROAD (6)

Action: Delete any Covered details that are duplicates of the Railroad details.

The Possible Duplicate alerts display three (3) possible Types of Reports (TRPT) codes:

  • A – Current Federal Income Contribution Act (FICA) W-2 or W-2C reported and processed in the year it was due (e.g., W-2 or W-2C for tax year 2010, reported and processed in 2011, would be current).

  • I – Delinquent W-2s FICA (e.g., W-2 or W-2C for tax year 2008, submitted January 15, 2010 is delinquent.)

  • Z – Internal annual adjustment.

The Apparent alerts display six (6) possible “Employment Types” (EET) codes:

  • A – Regular wages;

  • E – Military;

  • M – Agriculture;

  • P – Household;

  • Q – Medicare Qualified Government Employment (MQGE) or excess Medicare; or

  • T – Tips earned in regular employment.

NOTE: The EET code of Q should only appear when Medicare earnings are greater than FICA, but FICA is under the maximum or involves State and Local employment and only part of the earnings is subject to Medicare tax.

These instructions are for DEBS technicians to review the alerts and take the appropriate action, as required.

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RM 02032.001 - Duplicate Earnings Alerts in OEIO - 03/22/2013
Batch run: 07/22/2019