Basic (10-80)

RM 03280.001 Receive and Control Forms SSA-4617-U2 (4407)

  1. A. 

    Receive Pension Information Request blocks of Forms SSA-4617-U2.

  2. B. 

    Pension information Request block numbers will consist of 2 digits and will be assigned from the 01-99 series.

  3. C. 

    Check each block to ensure that all items have been recieved. If all items cannot be accounted for, contact the sender.

  4. D. 

    Establish and maintain a Pension Information Request block control sheet.

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RM 03280.001 - Receive and Control Forms SSA-4617-U2 (4407) - 08/04/1994
Batch run: 08/04/1994