Basic (10-80)

RM 03282.001 Initial Keying of Pension Information Requests — Form SSA-4617-U2 (4408)

  1. A. 

    Pension Information Requests are keyed under job name J4617. This job contains two program levels. Program Level 1 is used to key the control number only. Program Level 2 is used to key the information contained on the form.

  2. B. 

    Key the control number as follows:

Field Name No. of Characters Input Positions Field Type
Control Number
5 1-5
x This field must be entered and filled. Key the number shown on the Advice of Transmittal.

NOTE: This level is only keyed once for each batch.


  1. C. 

    Key the information on the form as follows:

Field Name No. of Characters Input Positions Field Type
Social Security Number (SSN) 9 1-9 I X This field must be entered and filled. Key exactly what is shown.
6 10-15 A X This field must be entered. Only the first six positions of the surname will be shown.
Initials (INITS:) 2 16-17 A X Key what is shown.
Requester's First Line of 26 18-43 G X Key exactly as shown on form.
Address (1ST LN ADD:)
Requester and Second Line of 26 44-69 G X Key exactly as shown on form.
Address (2ND LN ADD:)
City (CITY:) 15 70-84 G X This field must be entered. Key exactly as shown on form.
State (ST:) 2 85-86 A X This field must be entered and filled. Key exactly what is shown on form.
Zip Code (ZIP:) 5 87-91 I X This field must be entered and filled.

This level automatically linked back to itself.

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RM 03282.001 - Initial Keying of Pension Information Requests — Form SSA-4617-U2 (4408) - 08/04/1994
Batch run: 08/04/1994