TN 3 (09-20)

RM 03849.008 Handling Form SSA-7008 Received for a Pending Earnings Discrepancy Case

A. If an earnings discrepancy (ED) is located:

  1. 1. 

    In file, associate the incoming SSA-7008 with the balance of the file and process in the same manner as any other incomplete case.

  2. 2. 

    In the field office (FO) for investigation, forward the SSA-7008 to the FO handling the ED case. Indicate on the OF-41, Route Slip: “Please associate the attached material with the related case and forwarded to your office on   (date)   .”

B. If an ED was returned by a FO or another component as completed, review the case and dispose of it at once.

C. If an ED was returned by a FO or another component and:

  1. 1. 

    Further FO development is required, complete an OF-41 and return it to the field office.

  2. 2. 

    No further development is required, take the following action:

    1. a. 

      Adjust the earnings record.

    2. b. 

      Prepare any necessary determination.

    3. c. 

      Prepare a closeout letter as necessary.

    4. d. 

      Complete the disposition of the ED.

  3. 3. 

    If the case cannot be closed due to a pending action, prepare a notice to the individual providing the reason a final determination is delayed. Inform the individual they will be notified when the investigation is complete.

D. Release the file.

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RM 03849.008 - Handling Form SSA-7008 Received for a Pending Earnings Discrepancy Case - 09/24/2020
Batch run: 09/24/2020