RM 10201.000 The Social Security Number (SSN)

Subchapter Table of Contents
Section   Latest
RM 10201.001 Purpose and Disclosure of the Social Security Number (SSN) TN 8 10-23
RM 10201.005 Program Use of the Social Security Number (SSN) TN BASIC 08-09
RM 10201.010 Nonprogram Use of the Social Security Number (SSN) TN BASIC 08-09
RM 10201.015 Responding to Inquiries about Nonprogram Use of the Social Security Number (SSN) TN 8 10-23
RM 10201.020 Requests to Use an SSN or Replica of the Social Security Card TN BASIC 08-09
RM 10201.025 Enumeration Process: SSA Component Responsibilities TN 8 10-23
RM 10201.030 Structure of the Social Security Number (SSN) TN 2 06-11
RM 10201.035 Invalid Social Security Numbers (SSNs) TN 2 06-11
RM 10201.040 Void Social Security Numbers (SSNs) TN 5 11-20
RM 10201.045 Third-Party Requests about Social Security Numbers (SSNs) Already Assigned TN 2 06-11
RM 10201.050 Social Security Number (SSN) Assignment and Card Issuance TN 2 06-11
RM 10201.055 Social Security Number (SSN) Card History TN 9 06-24
RM 10201.060 Social Security Number (SSN) Card Security Features TN 4 09-20
RM 10201.065 Safeguarding the SSN and SSN Card TN 8 10-23
RM 10201.070 Retention of Valid Social Security Number (SSN) Cards by Third Parties TN 8 10-23

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