TN 16 (09-11)

GN 00304.010 Kinds of Evidence of Presumptive Findings of Death

The following chart explains evidence of presumptive findings of death:



Presumptive Finding of Death by a Service Department

  • States that it is pursuant to the provisions of the Missing Persons Act (37 U.S.C. 555-556).

  • Date of death is a statutory date (usually a year and a day from the missing date, but may be later; or in certain cases even earlier).

  • Establishes the fact of death.

  • Does not establish the date of death (use the missing date, usually cited in the finding, in the absence of evidence establishing a later date).

Presumptive Finding of Death by the Maritime War Emergency Board

  • Establishes the fact and date of death.

  • Issued when a merchant seaman was lost as a result of enemy action during war time.

  • Use the date of loss on the presumptive finding as the date of death, even if it conflicts with the date of loss on Form NCG-742 (Material Balance Report).

  • Make requests for records through Office of Income Security Programs (OISP), Office of Application and Electronic Services Support Policy (OAESSP).

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