TN 77 (07-23)

GN 00308.014 Colorado Vital Records

A. Process

Divorce and marriage records are available from County Clerk, in the county where the divorce was granted or the license was issued in addition to the State (as indicated below). The cost of copy varies at the County level. Birth and death records are available from the counties listed below. The cost of a copy is $20.00 unless otherwise indicated and, unless indicated, all counties are “YES.”

B. Procedure — State Sources

1. Address and FO code

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

Vital Records Section

4300 Cherry Creek Drive South


Denver, CO 80246-1530

FO Code 092

NOTE: You can find the most up-to-date information from the Colorado Department of Health and Environment. In addition, you can find EIN information here .

2. Cost of copy:

Birth/Death records $20.00 ($13.00 for additional copies at the same time)

3. Type of payment:

Money order, check or credit cards. Make checks payable to “Vital Records Section.”

4. Verifications

Send fax verification requests and a copy of the BVS document to be verified directly to the State of Colorado BVS at 1-866-687-6383. There is no cost for the verification if it is from a Social Security office.

5. Identification requirements

It is a state of Colorado regulatory requirement that the requester attach a photocopy of their ID. Requests made to the Colorado BVS for birth or death documents must be accompanied by an enlarged and easily identifiable photocopy of the front of an acceptable identification document from the requester. If the photocopy is not included, the request will be returned. If an FO employee is the requester, see GN 00308.001B.3. for acceptable forms of identification.

6. Remarks:

Colorado has birth records for the entire State since 1910. Legislation passed in 1943 provides for the filing of delayed BCs for persons who were born prior to the legislation date, or whose births were not recorded at the time of birth. Death records are available for the years 1900 to present.

Fax requests for birth/death records using a bank card can be sent to 1-(800)423-1108. Application forms are available on the State website shown above.

Mail requests take at least 3 weeks to process.

Certified copies of verification of divorce and marriage records are available from the State as follows: marriage records for 1900-1939 and 1975-present; dissolution records for 1851-1939 and 1968-present. Verifications for other years must be obtained from the county where the divorce was decreed or the marriage license was obtained. The county may be determined from a partial index of records at the State level. The index covers marriages from 1900-1939 and 1975-1984 and divorces from 1968-1984.

Make all requests directly to the BVS.

Can FO verify, certify or obtain free copy of birth/death record? The FO can verify a copy of a birth/death record at no cost. The FO cannot certify or obtain a free copy.


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GN 00308.014 - Colorado Vital Records - 07/05/2023
Batch run: 12/10/2024