TN 12 (07-97)

GN 00904.028 Servicing Office - Representative Payee Involved -Posteligibility

Once a beneficiary is receiving payments, treat any subsequent payee action, including an application for another benefit, as a posteligibility issue. After the payee is appointed, the field office (FO) servicing the payee's address is determined to be the resident office. When a new payee application is filed, the FO serving the payee applicant's address maintains jurisdiction of the payee application. This FO is responsible for developing the application and making the final decision on the payee selection. In addition, before making the payee change, the FO servicing the payee applicant's address is responsible for contacting the former payee (see GN 00504.100B.1.). Process the payee change through RPS per GN 00502.110 and MSOM RPS 002.001.

Note: For information on the hierarchy the Electronic Representative Payee System (eRPS) Misuse uses to assign representative payee misuse allegations to the appropriate servicing FO for further investigation, see GN 00604.010B.


GN 00501.015 SSA Components Responsibilities On Payee Actions

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