TN 3 (03-97)

GN 01708.250 Material Returned by German Agencies

A. Policy

When claims material, which DIO has sent to a German agency, is returned by that Agency, DIO should determine the reason for return, correct the problem and return the material to the German agency.

B. Procedure

1. No Explanation

  • Check the returned SSA-e2960-U3-GE for items that may be blurred, illegible or missing.

  • Make necessary corrections.

  • Return all material to the German agency via a new form SSA-e2960-U3-GE.

2. German Form 6.6146

  • Determine the reason for return from the box checked on the form using the following translations:

    Die Schreibsiese des Vor-, Zu-Oder Geburtsnamens weicht von der Schreibweise der Unterschrift ab. Der Vor-, older Geburtsname ist unleserlich geschrieben - the name and signature disagree.

    Das Geburtsdatum fehlt oder ist unvollstandig - the date of birth is missing.

    Die Angabe des Geburtsnames fehlt (Feld 3 erganzen) - the sex is missing.

    Die Staatsangehorigkeit fehlt - the citizenship is missing.

    Der Feburtsort fehlt - the place of birth is missing.

    Die Anschrift ist fehlt - the address is incomplete, illegible or missing.

    Die Versicherungsnummer ist fehlt - the German insurance number is incorrect.

  • Have any other German remarks translated.

  • Carefully block print a Form SSA-e2960-U3-GE with the requested corrected information.

  • If original information was correct, state this in the remarks section of the form.

  • Return all material to the German agency via the new Form SSA-e2960-U3-GE.

3. German Form 6.3299

  • Carefully block print a new Form SSA-e2960-U3-GE including any omitted or corrected information.

  • Return all material to the German agency via the SSA-e2960-U3-GE.

4. Returns from LVA

  • Determine the reason for the request for additional information using the following translations:

    Name des/der Versucherten - the name of the worker.

    Vorname - the person's first name.

    Geburtsname - the person's name at birth.

    Geburtsdatum - the person's date of birth.

    Akten-oder Rentenzeichen oder Versicherungsnummer - the reference number or German insurance number.

  • Carefully block print a new SSA-e2960-U3-GE with requested, corrected information.

  • Return all material to the LVA via the new SSA-e2960-U3-GE.

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GN 01708.250 - Material Returned by German Agencies - 01/27/2017
Batch run: 02/06/2017