Basic (03-25)

GN 01764.025 Icelandic Social Insurance Administration (Icelandic Liaison Agency)

A. Introduction to the Icelandic Liaison Agency

There is one Iceland Liaison Agency. We will communicate with this agency to process claims for benefits under the U.S.-Iceland Totalization Agreement.

B. Procedure for requesting information from the SIA

Transmit information to or request information from the SIA using the Totalization Data Collection Program (TDCP).

SSA-e2960 USA-IS 3(Transmittal/Request/Certification).

Pre-addressed to:


Iceland Social Insurance Administration (SIA)

Tryggingastofnun International

Hlíðasmári 11,

201 Kópavogur


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GN 01764.025 - Icelandic Social Insurance Administration (Icelandic Liaison Agency) - 03/12/2025
Batch run: 03/12/2025