Because of the variance in the value of union records, obtain the following additional information to evaluate this type of evidence:
name and title of the union official giving the information, as well as the full name
of the union and the number of the local;
sources of figures/amounts shown in the records, i.e., whether reported by the employer,
the shop steward, or the employee;
intervals at which reports are made, i.e., whether daily, weekly, monthly, or by job
breakdown by years (or quarterly if quarterly information is needed) of amounts shown
by union records;
whether amounts shown are employee's total wages (tips) or dues their paid;
if dues, whether they were fixed or based on amount of wages (tips) and if assessments not
related to wages (tips) were included;
if wages (tips), whether they were computed by using the prevailing union rate of pay, when the employment
occurred (i.e., dates), and whether any deductions were made for days of nonpay status
during the employment period.