Review the SSA-4290-F5 (Development of Participation in a Vocational or Similar Program) and development
obtained by the FO to verify that the beneficiary is participating in VR or a similar
program that meets the definition of an appropriate program of VR services, employment
services, or other support services as described in DI 14505.010B.
Request further documentation from the provider of services, if necessary, to determine
whether the program meets the requirements. Such documentation may include copies
of licenses, registration or accreditation.
If a provider refuses to provide information on an SSA-4290-F5 because of privacy
concerns, mail or fax them a signed SSA-827 (Authorization to Disclose Information to the Social Security Administration). If
the provider still refuses to provide the information, document the refusal and contact
the individual and inform them that the provider is unwilling to disclose the required
information and ask the individual to contact the provider to ask them to send the
required information; document your contact with the individual, on a form SSA-5002
Report of Contact. If you are unable to obtain the information:
For an initial Section 301 case - make a denial determination
For a Section 301 follow-up diary case - send a due process notice to terminate benefits