TN 1 (12-18)

DI 40505.001 Processing a Medical Continuing Disability Review (CDR) When the Office of Disability Operations (ODO) Generates an Alert

These instructions are for processing CDR cases in the processing center (PC) only. For medical CDR processing instructions for disabled individuals with Tickets to Work, see DI 55025.010, Processing the Medical Continuing Disability Review (CDR) for Beneficiaries with Tickets.

For instructions on court cases, see DI 42502.001, Court-Ordered Reviews -- Jurisdiction.

The FO processes most 1619 CDRs and medical folder reviews (MFRs).

Before we can process a medical cessation, we must have applied the Medical Improvement Review Standard (MIRS).

A. Introduction to case selection for the Processing Centers (PCs)

The Office of Disability Operations (ODO) may select a case for a Continuing Disability Review (CDR) in one of two ways: Direct Release (DR) mailer or automated direct release (ADR). We must determine if a CDR is appropriate. We do not routinely screen out cases selected via CDR mailer. However, we must screen cases selected via ADR to determine whether we need to do a full review. For Field Office (FO) Actions for Processing and Screening Continuing Disability Review (CDR) Folders and Alerts, see DI 13005.020.

For information on the PC responsibilities in work CDRs, please refer to

DI 13010.023, Processing Center (PC) Responsibilities for Continuing Disability Reviews (CDRs) involving Work Activity.

B. Procedure for processing CDRs

1. ODO selects a case for CDR

If ODO selects a case for a CDR, the PC must attempt to locate the folder. In Title II multiple entitlement situations, the PC will locate and associate all medical disability folders. Multiple entitlement’s definition is entitlement to more than one benefit for Title II. Benefits could include any combination of Disability Insurance Benefits (DIB), Childhood Disability Benefits (CDB), and Disabled Widow’s(er’s) Benefits (DWB).

NOTE: If you find "multiple entitlements," please include “Multiple Entitlements” on all routing forms.

After ODO selects a case for a medical CDR, follow these procedures:

  1. a. 

    Folder(s) in the Processing Center (PC) or Federal Archives and Records Center (FARC) -- Obtain the folder(s).

  2. b. 

    Folder(s) in the field office (FO) -- Forward the CDR mailer to the FO, unless case control query indicates that the case has already been terminated.

  3. c. 

    For monitoring purposes, the PC will maintain a list of CDR mailers and alerts sent to the FO. The FO will notify the PC within 2 weeks of receipt of the mailer whether the folder has been located. If the FO has the folder, it will begin the CDR.

  4. d. 

    When unable to locate the folder, or it is in a location other than the PC, FARC, or FO, follow internal special search instructions.

2. ODO defers a CDR

ODO may defer a CDR if it falls into one of the following categories:

  • Reasons unrelated to disability, e.g., travel, hospitalization (short duration), weather; or

  • Life-threatening situations (with or without regional approval).

After ODO defers a CDR via the Disability Control File (DCF), Claims Technical Examiners (CTEs) or Claims Authorizers (CAs) update and reset the medical diary based on the prior medical data in the DCF. For explanation about the deferral process, see DI 28003.010, Deferrals of Continuing Disability Review (CDR) Process.

3. Suicide or Homicide cases

When processing suicide or homicide cases, resolve any doubt about suicidal or homicidal behavior. Give an explanation on an SSA-5002 (Report of Contact) for the file.

For instructions regarding flags, see DI 81020.085, Certified Electronic Folder (CEF) Flags.

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DI 40505.001 - Processing a Medical Continuing Disability Review (CDR) When the Office of Disability Operations (ODO) Generates an Alert - 12/18/2018
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