TN 28 (06-24)

DI 40510.080 Processing Earnings Discrepancies in OCO/PSC - DRS

A. Introduction

There may be instances when the FO returns a development which indicates an earnings discrepancy exists (e.g., the disabled individual disclaims work activity and is unable to explain posted earnings to their SSN). Follow these instructions when a suspected or verified earnings discrepancy issue exists.

B. Procedure

1. FO development complete

This chart provides proceeding instructions when FO development is complete:


Postings represent special pay (e.g., sick pay, vacation pay)

  • Prepare Form SSA-899-U2 to continue disability per DI 13010.175.

  • Prepare and release an SSA-L1013 notice.

Postings represent wages/SEI for work

Postings represent earnings discrepancy, i.e., no work and earnings posted to incorrect SSN

Process the case as in 1.a. above. After all actions, forward the case to a claims authorizer for further action in regard to the earnings discrepancy.

2. FO development not complete

  • Identify the employer(s) via a Detailed Earnings Query (DEQY) if unknown.

  • Prepare an SSA-5526-U3 and request the FO to develop for a possible earnings discrepancy. Enter “If posted earnings are found to represent sick pay, please develop and document.”


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DI 40510.080 - Processing Earnings Discrepancies in OCO/PSC - DRS - 06/26/2024
Batch run: 01/07/2025