SI KC01140.220 Value of Publicly Traded Stock

See SI 01140.220

Historical Stock Quotes (SSI resources):

A. Introduction

SI 01140.220D.2(b) indicates that field offices may request regional office to verify the value of a stock through an electronic database. The Kansas City Regional Office no longer has access to this database and can not verify stock values. Field offices should use alternative methods to verify the value of stocks, such as newspapers, Internet, or local security firms.

B. Use of the internet

Using the Internet to document the value of stocks is acceptable if the source is reliable. An example of a reliable source is the Internet site of a financial newspaper. A link to a site that provides the historical value of stocks is available on KCNet, at the SSI Policy Web Page, using the Resource link.

NOTE: Most Internet sites will require the ticker symbol of the stock. The Resource page also has a link to a site with a ticker symbol lookup feature.

C. References

Value - Publicly Traded Stocks, SI 01140.220D.2(b)

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SI KC01140.220 - Value of Publicly Traded Stock - 10/21/2002
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