TN 36 (10-24)

SI 01310.625 SSA-8010-BK - Other Income Received While Receiving PIM Payments - Question 2

A. Procedure

1. Receipt of Other Income

Ask the person making the statement whether they received any other income while receiving the PIM payments shown in question 1.

2. Is More Information About Other Income Needed?

  1. a. 

    If the answer to question 2(a) is “No,” do not complete questions 3-5. Go to question 6 (except for an ineligible child; skip to question 17).

  2. b. 

    If the answer to question 2(a) is “Yes,” and


The sponsor of a noncitizen or the sponsor's spouse; an essential person Always complete questions 3, 4, and 5 about other income
A parent or the spouse of a parent; an ineligible child Complete questions 3, 4, and 5 only for periods when no PIM payments were received or are expected to be received.
  1. c. 

    When the person received no PIM payments for some months in the period being covered, and alleges no other income, explain in the “Remarks” section. Unstated income may be an issue.

  2. d. 

    If the person making the statement does not expect the PIM payments to continue, explain in“Remarks” section and show any expected income for the next 14 months in questions 3, 4, and 5. Remind the person to report when their income actually changes.

B. Reference

Deeming other income while receiving PIM payments, SI 01320.141.

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SI 01310.625 - SSA-8010-BK - Other Income Received While Receiving PIM Payments - Question 2 - 10/16/2024
Batch run: 10/16/2024