TN 5 (12-94)

SI 01330.480 Essential Person Deeming - Examples

The following is an example of an individual living with one essential person.

Mr. Arthur Jones is the essential person of Mr. Joseph Johnson. In May 1988, Mr. Jones has an automobile worth $900 and personal effects worth $2,300. Mr. Johnson has personal effects worth $200.

The resource computation follows:

Mr. Jones' Resources

$ 900 - automobile
+2,300 - personal effects
$ 3,200 - total resources deemed to Mr. Johnson

Mr. Johnson's Excluded Resources

one automobile (SI 01330.200)

personal effects up to $2,000 (SI 01130.430)

$ 2,500 - total personal effects (deemed $2,300 plus Mr. Johnson's own personal effects valued at $200)
- 2,000 - limit on personal effects
$ 500 - nonexcluded personal effects

Mr. Johnson's Countable Resources

$ 500 - nonexcluded personal effects or total countable resources

Since Mr. Johnson's countable resources do not exceed the resource limit for an individual with no spouse, he meets the resource eligibility requirement.

The following is an example of an eligible couple sharing one essential person.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rose are an eligible couple. Miss Alice Gross is the essential person for both Mr. and Mrs. Rose. In September 1988, Miss Gross owns an automobile worth $2,000 which is used to take Mr. and Mrs. Rose to doctors' appointments; household goods and personal effects valued at $1,500; $1,900 in a pension fund; and $700 in a savings account. Mr. and Mrs. Rose own household goods valued at $600, $250 in a savings account, and two gravesites worth $700 each.

The resource computation follows:

Miss Gross' Resources

$ 1,900 - pension fund
2,000 - automobile
1,500 - household goods and personal effects
+700 - savings account
$ 6,100 - total resources deemed to Mr. and Mrs. Rose

Mr. and Mrs. Rose's Excluded Resources

one automobile (SI 01130.200)

personal effects up to $2,000 (SI 01130.430)

$2,100 - total personal effects (deemed $1,500, plus Mr. and Mrs. Rose's own personal effects valued at $600)
-2,000 - limit on personal effects
$ 100 - nonexcluded personal effects

two gravesites (SI 01130.400)

Mr. and Mrs. Rose's Countable Resources

$ 100 - household goods and personal effects
950 - savings account
+1,900 - pension fund
$2,950 - total countable resources
-2,850 - couple's resource limit (in 1988)
$ 100 - excess resources

Since Mr. and Mrs. Rose's countable resources exceed the resource limit for a couple, Mr. and Mrs. Rose do not meet the resource eligibility requirement because of essential person deeming. Therefore, essential person status is lost, and the essential person increment no longer applies.

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SI 01330.480 - Essential Person Deeming - Examples - 11/01/1995
Batch run: 11/01/1995