Do not develop further if the earnings were for a period prior to eligibility and
the taxpayer alleges that the income stopped prior to the first month of eligibility.
If the individual agrees with the MEF data, request evidence from the individual to
establish their countable income. If they have insufficient evidence, or disagrees
with the MEF data, use an SSA-L4201-BK, or obtain a signed authorization (e.g., SSA-8510)
to contact the employer for verification.
If they have insufficient evidence of SEI or alleges no SEI, following the instructions
in RS 01804.400.
The MEF income data represent the amount received in a year. Obtain a monthly amount
for SSI purposes if the income constitutes countable income.
See SI 00820.300 for sheltered workshop payment development.
See SI 02310.005C.5. regarding administrative finality. The SSR transaction date (SE transaction code)
is the date of the “affirmative action in writing”.