TN 27 (05-24)

HI 00820.110 Life Terminations for Disabled or Deemed Disabled Beneficiaries

For HI/SMI (DOTH/DOTS) for disabled or deemed disabled child or widow beneficiaries (e.g., a BIC of C or W) whose benefits are terminated for all reasons other than T-1, T-2, and T-5 The date of termination is effective

  • 2 months after the date of the credit action (DOCA) or

  • 2 months after the notice of termination of benefits or disability entitlement is received by the beneficiary, whichever is later.

Process these terminations through one of 3 programs

  • T2R, Title II Redesign

  • TATTER, Terminations, Attainments, Transfers and Terminations, or

  • MADCAP, Manual Adjustment Credit and Award Process

The T2R and TATTER programs automatically terminate the HI/ SMI.

See Also

  • SM 03040.520 T2 TERMINATION EVENTS for Enrollment processing

  • SM 00614.000 Disability Cessation 9(ATTER).

To complete the terminations processed through MADCAP follow the procedures outlined in

  • SM 00850.000 HI/SMI Coding in MADCAP

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HI 00820.110 - Life Terminations for Disabled or Deemed Disabled Beneficiaries - 05/31/2024
Batch run: 05/31/2024