TN 1 (07-97)

HI 01015.035 MADCAP Actions

When an action is processed through MADCAP, but the manual “PA” or “PD” entries are necessary (see HIIM 540.), these money accounts are used to adjust the trust funds. A “PA” entry serves to decrease the FSMI trust fund and a “PD” entry increases the trust fund.

The premium amount collectable (PAC) and premium due amount (PDA) fields in the HI/SMI portion of RID 6 of the Form SSA-2795 U3 will also adjust the trust funds (as well as the CPDA).

A minus ( - ) entry in the PAC field will decrease the FSMI trust fund and a plus (+) in that field will increase the trust fund.

In any current pay case, once the action reaches the Regular Transcript, the trust fund will be increased by the regular monthly premium amount each month.

When summarizing an “AA” or “SU” amount to offset an amount being deducted by MADCAP, it is always necessary to adjust the trust funds with an SSA-666.

If an “AA” entry representing SMI premiums is summarized, transfer the amount from the FSMI collection account to the FOASI trust fund. If an “SU” entry representing SMI premiums is summarized, transfer the amount from the FOASI trust fund to the FSMI collection account (see HIIM 520.02.).

Example No. 1:

The PDA of record (on the BCM) is $21.60U. If the actual amount due is greater than the recorded PDA (e.g., $28.80), enter an “SU” in the amount of $7.20. Prepare an SSA-666 to transfer $7.20 from the FOASI trust fund to the FSMI collection account.

If the actual amount due is less (e.g., $14.40), enter an “AA” of $7.20 and prepare an SSA-666 to transfer $7.20 from the FSMI collection account to the FOASI trust fund.

Example No. 2:

The PDA of record (on the BCM) is $21.60. If the claimant actually owes $7.20, enter an “SU” of $28.80. Prepare an SSA-666 to transfer $28.80 from the FOASI trust fund to the FSMI collection account.

If the claimant is due only $7.20, enter an “SU” of $14.40 and prepare an SSA-666 to transfer $14.40 from the FOASI trust fund to the FSMI collection account.

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HI 01015.035 - MADCAP Actions - 08/13/1997
Batch run: 08/13/1997